- TNP Nation
- McMasterdonia
I have decided to modify this proposal. The constitutional amendments can be dealt with separately, by way of another discussion.
I am introducing this but full credit where it is due, it was originally drafted by COE.
Here are a few reasons why we should pass this bill.
1) The NPA will be enshrined in the constitution highlighting its status as an important part of our government and regional security apparatus. It is also clarifies the legal status of the NPA and its members. (This will be pursued separately)
2) The NPA will have greater flexibility about the operations that it can undertake. The Delegate will also have clearer responsibilities for the NPA and a greater ability to influence the extent of this flexibility.
3) The NPA doctrine will be corrected from the mess it is right now to something that is consistent with the rest of the legal code. It will also be moved into the executive section of the legal code, instead of maintaining it's own old position.
4) The oath is much clearer and outlines the responsibilities of NPA members in a more comprehensive fashion.
5) Our protections for regions are maintained with one exception - the Delegate may exempt regions from some of these requirements by public authorisation. This is limited to actions that can be easily restored by the NPA if the Regional Assembly did overturn the motion. Other exceptions can only be granted with the approval of the Regional Assembly. This would be particularly relevant to the situation we are in now.
I will be going to bed soon. So have fun discussing it overnight and I will answer questions tomorrow and post further reasoning tomorrow. For the most part, however, I hope the proposal speaks for itself.[/quote]
Legal Code Amendment:4. Chapter 8 of the Legal Code will be repealed in its entirety, Chapters 9 and 10 will be renumbered 8 and 9 respectively, and the following section will be added to Chapter 7:
Section 7.7: The North Pacific Army
41. The executive officer charged with military affairs will endeavour to maintain an active and well trained military, capable of executing both offensive and defensive operations.
42. When deployed in a foreign region, The North Pacific Army will act with respect towards the natives of the region, and refrain from excessive use of force including altering the regions chosen embassy list or password protecting the region. Before leaving, The North Pacific Army must provide natives with the means to restore the region to its original state. Exceptions to this clause must be publicly authorised by the Delegate when it is in the best interests of The North Pacific or its allies.
43. When deployed in a foreign region, The North Pacific Army will refrain from causing permanent harm to the region, including forcibly remove natives or refounding the region. Exceptions to this clause must be publicly authorised by the Delegate when it is in the best interests of The North Pacific or its allies, subject to the approval of the Regional Assembly by a majority vote or pursuant to a declaration of war.
44. Any member of the North Pacific Army may refuse to take part in any mission which does not directly impact regional security for any reason that is deemed appropriate by the Delegate or the executive officer charged with military affairs.
45. The Regional Assembly must be promptly informed of all military operations upon deployment, with the exception of operations which the Delegate specifically classifies. The Regional Assembly must be promptly informed of any classified operation, as well as the reasons for the classification, as soon as possible following deployment.
46. The North Pacific Army must promptly withdraw from any operation that the Regional Assembly cancels by majority vote. Where an operation is cancelled, the North Pacific Army must take reasonable steps to restore or to provide natives with the means to restore any region subject to the operation.
47. Nations wishing to join the North Pacific Army must swear the following oath before being enlisted. All military rules that they are pledging to obey must be publicly visible.
By my honour and by my conscience, I will endeavour to be a trustworthy and faithful soldier of the North Pacific Army. In peace and in war, I will support and defend The North Pacific and its legal system of government. If I perceive or gain knowledge of activity to overthrow the legal government of the region, I will report it to the Security Council without delay. I promise to act properly and uprightly, to obey the lawful orders of the Delegate and my superiors, to comply with the law and all military rules, and to keep the military secrets trusted in me. Should I be given a position of military leadership, I will endeavour to set a good and encouraging example to my subordinates. When deployed, I will be mindful that my actions reflect on my region, and endeavour to represent The North Pacific with honour and dignity. I swear all this freely and without reservation.
Military Omnibus Bill Version 2:1. The following clause will be inserted into Article 3 of the Constitution of The North Pacific after clause 3. The remaining clauses in the article will be renumbered appropriately.4. The Delegate may declare war on foreign powers by submitting a declaration of war to the Regional Assembly. If it is approved by a three-fifths majority vote, a state of war will exist until it is repealed by a majority vote of the Regional Assembly.
2. The following article will be inserted into the Constitution of The North Pacific, after Article 6. The subsequent articles will be renumbered appropriately.Article 7. The Military
1. The North Pacific Army will be the regional military and is charged with protecting the region and its allies and serving its interests through military force, under the leadership of the Delegate.
2. The North Pacific Army will consist of volunteer residents who are approved by the Delegate or a designated executive officer. The Delegate or a designated executive officer may dismiss members from the North Pacific Army freely.
3. The Delegate will administer the internal policies of the North Pacific Army.
4. The North Pacific Army will not be considered a government body, nor will its officers be considered government officials.
3. Section 6.4 of the Legal Code will be repealed in its entirety.
4. Chapter 8 of the Legal Code will be repealed in its entirety, Chapters 9 and 10 will be renumbered 8 and 9 respectively, and the following section will be added to Chapter 7:
Section 7.7: The North Pacific Army
41. The executive officer charged with military affairs will endeavor to maintain an active and well trained military, capable of executing both offensive and defensive operations.
42. When deployed in a foreign region, members of the North Pacific Army will act with respect towards the natives of the region, and refrain from excessive use of force, including password protecting the region, forcibly removing natives from the region or refounding the region. Before leaving, The North Pacific Army must provide natives with the means to restore the region to its original state. Exceptions to this clause must be publicly authorised by the Delegate when it is in the best interests of The North Pacific or its allies, subject to the approval of the Regional Assembly by majority vote, or pursuant to a declaration of war.
43. Any member of the North Pacific Army may refuse to take part in any mission which does not directly impact regional security for any reason that is deemed appropriate by the Delegate or the executive officer charged with military affairs.
44. The Regional Assembly must be promptly informed of all military operations upon deployment, with the exception of operations which the Delegate specifically classifies. The Regional Assembly must be promptly informed of any classified operation, as well as the reasons for the classification, as soon as possible following deployment.
45. The North Pacific Army must promptly withdraw from any operation that the Regional Assembly cancels by majority vote.
46. Nations wishing to join the North Pacific Army must swear the following oath before being enlisted. All military rules that they are pledging to obey must be publicly visible.By my honor and by my conscience, I will endeavor to be a trustworthy and faithful soldier of the North Pacific Army. In peace and in war, I will support and defend The North Pacific and its legal system of government. If I perceive or gain knowledge of activity to overthrow the legal government of the region, I will report it to the Security Council without delay. I promise to act properly and uprightly, to obey the lawful orders of the Delegate and my superiors, to comply with the law and all military rules, and to keep the military secrets trusted in me. Should I be given a position of military leadership, I will endeavor to set a good and encouraging example to my subordinates. When deployed, I will be mindful that my actions reflect on my region, and endeavor to represent The North Pacific with honor and dignity. I swear all this freely and without reservation.
5. No portion of this bill will take effect unless/until all portions take effect.
Military Modernisation Bill:1. The following clause will be inserted into Article 3 of the Constitution of The North Pacific after clause 3. The remaining clauses in the article will be renumbered appropriately.4. The Delegate may declare war on foreign powers by submitting a declaration of war to the Regional Assembly. If it is approved by a three-fifths majority vote, a state of war will exist until it is repealed by a majority vote of the Regional Assembly.
2. The following article will be inserted into the Constitution of The North Pacific, after Article 6. The subsequent articles will be renumbered appropriately.Article 7. The Military
1. The North Pacific Army will be the regional military and is charged with protecting the region and serving its interests through military force, under the leadership of the Delegate.
2. The North Pacific Army will consist of volunteer residents who are approved by the Delegate or a designated executive officer. The Delegate or a designated executive officer may dismiss members from the North Pacific Army freely.
3. The Delegate or a designated executive officer will administer the internal policies of the North Pacific Army. These policies are subject to change at the Delegate's discretion.
4. The North Pacific Army will not be considered a government body, nor will its officers be considered government officials.
3. Section 6.4 of the Legal Code will be repealed in its entirety.
4. Chapter 8 of the Legal Code will be repealed in its entirety, Chapters 9 and 10 will be renumbered 8 and 9 respectively, and the following section will be added to Chapter 7:
5. No portion of this bill will take effect unless/until all portions take effect.Section 7.7: The North Pacific Army Management and Operations
41. The executive officer charged with military affairs will endeavour to maintain an active and well trained military, capable of executing both offensive and defensive operations.
42. When deployed in a foreign region, members of the North Pacific Army will act with respect towards the natives of the region, and refrain from excessive use of force, including (but not limited to forcibly removing natives from the region. Before leaving, The North Pacific Army must provide natives with the means to restore the region to its original state. Exceptions to this clause may be publicly authorised by the delegate when it is in the best interests of The North Pacific, or pursuant to a declaration of war.
43. Any member of the North Pacific Army may refuse to take part in any mission which does not directly impact regional security for any reason that is deemed appropriate by the Delegate or the executive officer charged with military affairs.
44. The Regional Assembly must be promptly informed of all military operations upon deployment, with the exception of operations which the Delegate specifically classifies. The Regional Assembly must be promptly informed of any classified operation, as well as the reasons for the classification, as soon as possible following deployment.
45. The North Pacific Army must promptly withdraw from any operation that the Regional Assembly cancels by majority vote.
46. Nations wishing to join the North Pacific Army must swear the following oath before being enlisted. All military rules that they are pledging to obey must be publicly visible.By my honour and by my conscience, I will endeavour to be a trustworthy and faithful soldier of the North Pacific Army. In peace and in war, I will support and defend The North Pacific and its legal system of government. If I perceive or gain knowledge of activity to overthrow the legal government of the region, I will report it to the Security Council without delay. I promise to act properly and uprightly, to obey the lawful orders of the Delegate and my superiors, to comply with the law and all military rules, and to keep the military secrets trusted in me. Should I be given a position of military leadership, I will endeavour to set a good and encouraging example to my subordinates. When deployed, I will be mindful that my actions reflect on my region, and endeavour to represent The North Pacific with honour and dignity. I swear all this freely and without reservation.
I am introducing this but full credit where it is due, it was originally drafted by COE.
Here are a few reasons why we should pass this bill.
1) The NPA will be enshrined in the constitution highlighting its status as an important part of our government and regional security apparatus. It is also clarifies the legal status of the NPA and its members. (This will be pursued separately)
2) The NPA will have greater flexibility about the operations that it can undertake. The Delegate will also have clearer responsibilities for the NPA and a greater ability to influence the extent of this flexibility.
3) The NPA doctrine will be corrected from the mess it is right now to something that is consistent with the rest of the legal code. It will also be moved into the executive section of the legal code, instead of maintaining it's own old position.
4) The oath is much clearer and outlines the responsibilities of NPA members in a more comprehensive fashion.
5) Our protections for regions are maintained with one exception - the Delegate may exempt regions from some of these requirements by public authorisation. This is limited to actions that can be easily restored by the NPA if the Regional Assembly did overturn the motion. Other exceptions can only be granted with the approval of the Regional Assembly. This would be particularly relevant to the situation we are in now.
I will be going to bed soon. So have fun discussing it overnight and I will answer questions tomorrow and post further reasoning tomorrow. For the most part, however, I hope the proposal speaks for itself.[/quote]
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