[Draft] RA Highlights, December 2019 (TNS XV)


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TNP Nation
Regional Assembly Highlights
by Gorundu, Legislative Correspondent

Regional Assembly Highlights, December 2019

Speaker: Deropia
Deputy Speakers: Bobberino, Kaschovia

Current Business

Total Term Limits Act by abc

Summary: This proposal aims to impose a total term limit of two terms for Delegates instead of the current consecutive limit of two terms. Although the author indicated he would be willing to increase the proposed total term limit, the bill was faced with widespread opposition, with the primary reasons given being that it would reduce competition and increase the chance of an incompetent Delegate. Just a few hours later, the author indicated he would like to withdraw the bill from consideration, which resulted in discussions on the Speaker's ability to table (withdraw) bills as rules were unclear. No subsequent action has been taken yet.

Status: In Discussion


Confirmation of Angshire, Sil Dorsett, Scottie, Dreadton and Darcania to the Election Commission

Summary: Due to the rapidly decreasing number of Election Commissioners due to inactivity and term expiry, Delegate McMasterdonia appointed five new Election Commissioners in a short timeframe to ensure the number of Election Commissioners will not fall below the minimum requirement of five for some time. All five appointees were confirmed, though some felt the process was rushed and the appointees have not sufficiently answered all questions, leading to an objection to vote in the case of Scottie.

Angshire: 16 ayes, 3 nays, 6 abstentions
Sil Dorsett: 24 ayes, 0 nays, 3 abstentions
Scottie: 16 ayes, 4 nays, 7 abstentions
Dreadton: 21 ayes, 0 nays, 6 abstentions
Darcania: 26 ayes, 0 nays, 1 abstention

Revision of the Criminal Code to include Perjury by Deropia

Summary: Following a trial in which the defendant presented likely falsified evidence, Deropia proposed to make perjury a criminal offense, separate from the existing crime of fraud, with more specific punishments designated. It is currently at vote where it is expected to pass.

Results: 40 ayes, 0 nays, 2 abstentions​
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