[Draft] Repeal "Freedom of Religion"


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TNP Nation
Repeal "Freedom of Religion"
Category: Repeal | Resolution: GAR#430
A resolution to repeal previously passed legislation. | Proposed by: Morover

General Assembly Resolution #432 "Preventing Desertification" (Category: Civil Rights, Strength: Significant) shall be struck out and rendered null and void.

The World Assembly,

Believing in the inherent right of sapients to believe in any belief systems in which they choose to believe in;

Aware of the assurance of this inherent right by the resolution GAR#430: "Freedom of Religion";

Knowing that GAR#430 was written in good faith by the author and has had overall positive effects in the world at large;

Concerned, however, at the several fatal flaws which belie GAR#430, most notably the continued assertion of the rights of individuals residing in member-states to hold religious beliefs and participate in religious practices "without fear of state punishment, reprisal, or persecution" to be overly ambiguous, and to perhaps to suggest to more authoritarian states that it is not, in fact, a contradiction of World Assembly law to participate in religious persecution, but rather to violate the right of an individual to not fear religious persecution;

Worried that this is a glaring loophole that could easily be abused by nations with malicious intent;

Wishing to patch this loophole with replacement legislation;

Hereby repeal GAR#430 "Freedom of Religion."
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I feel I should say that this isn't a super serious thing, especially considering the GenSec post on the thread. Feedback is always appreciated but it's not a legitimate repeal unless I get a lot of support on it. If anything, it's me pointing out an odd interpretation of the target text.

(also oops I still gotta fix the "repeal 'preventing desertification'" ahhh)