Greitbart Endorses McMasterdonia for Delegate
For the first time in the history of this publication, the editorial board of Greitbart News has unanimously decided to endorse MCMASTERDONIA to be the next (and current) Delegate of the North Pacific. Previously it was thought that True Journalists do not take sides but we have changed our minds. We side with the truth and it is the absolute and Flemingovianly TRUTH that McMasterdonia is making TNP Great Again.
First, he ended the war on our military. Our strong military lead by Glory Hound Robes, picked in the infinite and unmatched wisdom of Chosen One McMasterdonia, has made the NPA great again, more active and lethal than ever before, making our enemies cower in fear as well as SJW fendtards who are opposed to Regional Security and FREEDOM. (And maybe St. George Soros.)

Delegate McMasterdonia with Brilliant Defense Miniseter Robs
Second, with his tremendously big hands (and with big hands nothing else is small that I can tell you), he has decorated every single TNP christmas tree and single-handedly destroyed the war on Christmas. Promises made, promises kept.

Christmas trees in front of Magicality Manor and the Regional Assembly Building (Previous delegate Siwale was too intimidated by the fendtard regressive Left and so he only called them "Holiday Trees")
McMasterdonia has yuge approval numbers. Yuge endorsement levels too. Yuge crowds at the biggest inauguration ever attended ever. Thanks to strong dedication to the WADP program started by R3nald R3agan years ago, our region is secure and tremendously strong. Peace through strength. Stronger than the bear (Osiris). Everyone loves McM. The only votes against him in this election are most likely illegal votes sent by illegal voters from radical socialist groups and maybe perhaps St. George Soros and Whole India.

Left: sad, puny, tiny crowds for inauguration of low-energy, establishment Delegate @SillyString Right: Yuge, tremendous, record-breaking crowds at inauguration of Delegate McMasterdonia
Finally, McM is a true outsider. He is the best option to fight the liberal establishment and Security Council Oligarchy/Privileged Few Cabal. I know you must be asking yourself, “wasn’t McM delegate like four other times?” And we at Greitbart news answer yes! He knows the system inside and out. That is why he is a true outsider. He knows the system and he is taking it down. We can trust him because he is a man of the people and his results our proven. Frankly, we’re offended you’d even ask the question when the answer is so obvious. McM has never been an establishment figure even when at the very tippy top of the establishment.

Long time establishment figure @Romanoffia scratches his head in chagrin and concern as results come in predicting a landslide victory for McMasterdonia.
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