Incoming Announcement: 16 November 2019


The MacMilitant
TNP Nation
Francois Isidore

The Ministry of Defense
16 November 2019

The High Command of the North Pacific Army, along with the Ministry of Defense itself, is most pleased to announce the reinstatement of working relations with the Black Hawks. As of the fifteenth (15th) of November, approval was given by the Delegate to proceed with communications relating to future joint operations, mission coordination, and joint piling efforts. In light of this, a NPA-TBH specific Discord channel has been created under the Mess Hall section of our organization's official server and in the coming days, we wish to warmly welcome (back) members of the Council of Hawks as well as their troops.

Let it be known that this decision did not come lightly and that the event in gameplay that saw us originally ceased operations with them was reflected upon thorougly. Nonetheless, I have no doubt in my mind that with leadership that looks much different nowadays, two Council members who are quite familiar with the North Pacific, and a force that's committed to maintaining positive relations with our Ministry we'll be able to carve out a strong, productive, honest relationship for our parties in the coming months. We ask that you join us in our effort to facilitate constructive coordination, and that you welcome back these Black Hawks as they re-enter our server.

In service,

Minister of Defense
For the sake of the uninformed, do you wish to expound upon what caused the split in relations?
During my most recent MoD term, Ghost / Pallaith (then Delegate) and I agreed to stop running joint ops with The Black Hawks due to the fact that their leadership was heavily involved with the Red Phone incident. As The South Pacific is an allied region, Pallaith and I agreed to distance ourselves from The Black Hawks, and I informed Rachael (aka Miss Bad Life Choices, at the time my main contact point for TBH) of our decision.
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So what facts or circumstances have changed that resolved the issues that led to the split?