- TNP Nation
- Unitegone
Below is an update from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs regarding our activities (other than providing general advice to the Delegate.)
Administrative Tasks
We have continued to make sure that our master roster of diplomatic corps members is up to date, and continued to manage to swiftly respond to executive staff applications. I thank the deputy ministers, particularly @Sanjurika for doing this.
There have been no new embassies proposed on our forum, none have been closed either. We have however, reopened our embassy with The Pacific, both in-game and offsite. For more information on this, see my statement on it found here
Distribution of Official Communications
There have been no publications made for distribution since the last report. TNS will be distributed in the next day or two.
Other Announcements
I begin this by apologising, in my last statement, I said that news on the World Factbook would be released but nothing happened, a mixture of RL and other NS events sidetracked this but it will be happening soon.
As well as this, since the last update, we had a coup in TEP. Working with our allies, we were quickly able to regain control to Delegate Marrabuk and the Visiers. I wish to thank everyone in the region who helped us in one way or another with this.
Another big announcement is that i have decided for a reshuffle within the ministry leadership in order for the chance for fresh ideas and a new impetus within the ministry. Therefore, @Praetor and @Brendog have agreed to stand down from the ministry as Deputies. I thank them both for the work they have done so far and will continue to do as Senior Diplomats. With this, I am delighted to appoint @The Federalist and @Vivanco to the ministry, they both are hugely enthusiastic about TNP foreign affairs and I am looking forward to working with them more closely.
As well as this, I am appointing @Sanjurika to the Senior Diplomats.
In conclusion, there is a lot for us to do, and I am hopeful that we will achieve a lot in the second half of the term.
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