Hello from the Caspian Commonwealth of Dabarastan!


Greetings, supreme leaders of the North Pacific!

This is a belated hello from Dabarastan. I joined the region around a month ago after moving from Europe (which shall never be discussed), and I'm very keen to get involved with regional diplomacy, recruitment, calls to action, coordination etc etc. Basically, in any way I can be of help.

About me:
I live in Australia, study IR, have worked in a couple of gov departments and am a drummer in a local band. As such I'm happy to have difficult conversations with anyone who volunteers about geopolitics, music or, ideally, both at once (have you seen the Turkmen leader's rap?)

About the Caspian Commonwealth of Dabarastan:
This is lifted from a short factbook entry I wrote a couple of months ago. I'd like to expand on this and format it properly one day but, in the meantime, I think it gives you an idea of what I'm going for with this country:

The Caspian Commonwealth of Dabarastan is a union comprising of the former territories of Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan and Tajikistan.

Mass-protests, described by international media outlets as bearing striking resemblance to the Arab Spring, were organised via social media and began across the three former countries late one particularly cold winter. Protesters demanded democracy, freedom of the press, and an opening of the region to the global market. Within two weeks, an estimated 25 million citizens had joined the movement and collectivised to unilaterally march across borders and into houses of government.

The Turkmen and Uzbek armies quickly dissented against their former governments, and threatened a violent coup if there weren’t immediate transitions of power to civilian rule. The Tajik army also soon relented, likely detecting the threat from the now-united Turkmen and Uzbek armies if they didn’t.

As such, the territories united under common civilian rule and The Caspian Commonwealth of Dabarastan was born. The country now enjoys regular elections and has opened its economy to the world. All quality of life indicators in the region have risen since Dabarastan was formed, and the capital, Samarqand, is now a major commercial centre of Central Asia.

The current President of Dabarastan is Maýsa Muhadow.

Anyway, hopefully I'll get to know some of you soon!