- TNP Nation
- McMasterdonia
The World Assembly,
UNDERSTANDING that The East Pacific represents one of the most diverse and democratically representative regions in the international community, and that Fedele has undermined the very foundations of the region by calling the Magisterium, the legislative body for The East Pacific, a "brood of vipers".
NOTING that during their term in office, Fedele has committed high crimes and demeanours against the interests of The East Pacific, such as the mass ejection of certain non-WA nations within the region which led to a decrease in regional population.
SHOCKED at the fact that Fedele has committed The East Pacific into a policy of purging "marsupials", nations that do not apply for citizenship or to the World Assembly and fly their own independent flags.
DISTURBED that Fedele has attempted to consolidate power within The East Pacific, through the following:
SINCERE in its beliefs to ensure that such actions will forever be denounced so that future generations can learn from such mistakes.
- The removal of several The East Pacific's Viziers which are instrumental in the regional security and border control of The East Pacific, most notably Bachtendekuppen, Todd McCloud and Aelitia;
- The consolidation of foreign influence from the Lone Wolves United (LWU) and the Rahl family, both of which are responsible for committing coups in the international community - in particular, the Rahl family, which was responsible for the 2008 coup d'état against The East Pacific;
- Attempting to influence The East Pacific's June 2019 Delegate election through the Rahl family, which ultimately led to the invalidation of these votes;
- The complete disregard of regional laws within The East Pacific, most notably the Endorsement Caps Act upon the dismissal of several The East Pacific's Viziers;
- The complete removal of all government officials and associated parties linked with Queen Yuno at that time;
- The recent coup d'état attempt of The East Pacific is in violation of several regional laws relevant to the democratic institutions of the region; and
- The removal of Delegate-elect Marrabuk from The East Pacific, despite being democratically elected by residents of the region.
CONCLUDING that the democratically elected members of Bachtendekuppen, Todd McCloud and Aelitia should be reinstated to their rightful positions in The East Pacific, and that the actions taken by Fedele represent the opposite of regional stability within the community.
HEREBY condemns Fedele.
Co-authored by Concrete Slab and Kenmoria
Voting Instructions:
- Vote For if you want the Delegate to vote For the resolution.
- Vote Against if you want the Delegate to vote Against the resolution.
- Vote Abstain if you want the Delegate to abstain from voting on this resolution.
- Vote Present if you are personally abstaining from this vote.