TuffingTost: Delegate Leaks Military Secrets About Warzone Raid


PC Load Letter
TNP Nation
TNP Delegate Leaks Military Secrets during Bragging Session to media.
In what can only be described as a self-congratulation bragging session, TNP Delegate McMasterdoina displayed classified pictures gathered by secret government satellite. Defense officials are scrambling to limit the damage from the Delegates recklessness. One unnamed government official stated, "This has become common place in this Delegates government. We have to limit what classified information the delegate has access to, because we are afraid that he will leak the information to our opponents. It was almost as bad as the time during an official phone call with . . ." (Author's Note: Another official quickly placed his hand over the interviewee's mouth and hurried him away.)

Internet group 4owo, was quick to use the photo to locate and identify the satellite that was used during the operation. Between calls for his mom to bring chicken tendies, our source in the collective stated, "Yeah bro, it was easy. There were 4 satellites above the warzone at the time. Two of them are so old, they could barely stream an episode of My Little Pony. The other one was launched by the Black Hawks Mercenary group. So that left Fiji 8."