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This declaration is a part of the WondoVerse.
On Our Desire for Compassion
Human beings are by nature social creatures. Even though some of us may get anxiety in social situations or may be annoyed by people we still crave interaction with the world because that is how we are wired evolutionarily if not also spiritually. We require not only attention but validation from somewhere. We know that in the end our self esteem should not be based on the perceptions or the words of others and yet we can't help but pay attention and give our ear to those who speak about us for better or for worse. However, I think that this still is an upper level of the true issue at hand. We want validation, but this is just one form of something more innate.
Perhaps you have been in a room filled with people talking, and though you speak and socialize you still a loneliness and dissatisfaction. Perhaps even when we are at the center of attention we still feel lost. I posit that this is because though words are being said there is no heart being given. We in this day struggle to truly connect to those around us. We want people that care about us no matter what and who are always there to pick us up from the ashes of our own self destructions and faults throughout life. We can share mind day after day and yet we are starved for heart. We want something that is more than what is common, something special if not sacred in its essence. We want not only to receive but to give of ourselves and exercise selflessness for others that we have come to care for. This puts life into perspective because it goes beyond material goals and it illumines us in a way nothing else does.
This goes beyond simple attraction to others. Love is not merely biological or for the family whether it be romantic partner or child. This love is freely given through act of will which makes in special. There are no natural effects that influence such a love for it is freely willed by the person. It goes beyond doing things just because they are beneficial for us to help others. It is a truly sacrificial act that is transcendent but so rare today. It is not enough to be seen or validated. It is all pointing towards and wanting to be honored by being loved freely by the other because they see the good in us and the potential for better. It is a union of souls just for the sake of it being so.
The difficulty is that it is so hard to fulfill this desire for higher compassion because the world discourages it. Relationships today are about benefit of self and what can be acquired for the sake of our assets and families. If we are bold in pursuing something higher than the norm then we can seek for someone or for a few that we can truly care for as they care for us just because it is good to do so. With that kind of love and support we can come to know our best selves and live not for the status quo but for the truths of reality. ur want is great, and it may be a component in our feelings of depression and anxiety. Authenticity of heart and spirit are worth pursuing so that perhaps that light in us so distant and hard to kindle can become brighter and ever closer to our wills. We can first see it in ourselves and then help others to do the same. Perhaps there are some who have been empty for so long they forgot that they are empty. Through our efforts in extending compassion we can not only show what emptiness is present (though this is a painful revelation) but also how we can be filled, restored to a capacity for great love and giving. We must give to others what we wish and prayed was given to us. Be patient and steadfast and in time we can find those willing to give of themselves for our sake and grant a mutual happiness to profound for words and too good to be ignored.
In faith,
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