- TNP Nation
- Ethnon
- Discord
- Marcus Antonius #8887
Meeting Procedure
1. Chairman opens meeting
The Chairman controls the meeting and keeps order.
2. Attendance
A register is taken of who is present at the meeting and apologies sent for non attendance are noted. If Council Members do not attend and have not submitted apologies prior to the meeting, they are recorded as absent. Note: If voting is required here must be a quorum present, headed by the Chairman or Vice-Chairman with the Secretary present. A majority Council quorum must consist of at least 2 Officers and Members to form a majority. In the event of a tied vote, the Chairman may cast another vote in addition to his initial vote.
3. Previous meeting minutes
The previous minutes of the last meeting are read and normally they are proposed and seconded by two Council Members, who were present at the last meeting, as a true record.
4. Chairman's Report
The Chairman presents a report consisting of happenings within TNPU.
5. Divisional Head Reports
The following reports are to be given by the Divisional Heads to provide an overview of activity within their Divisions and may also be used to request assistance for moderation from the Chancellor.
115.1 Chancellory
115.2 NationStates Division
115.3 Humanities Division
115.4 Mathematical, Physical and Life Sciences Division
115.5 Social Sciences Division
115.6 Wizardofoz Lecture Hall
115.7 Polaris Library
115.8 stella polaris Museum
6. AOB
Any Other Business - The Chairman goes around the table to confirm if there is anything further that requires discussion. (I used to dread this in RL lol. As Committee Members would try to bring matters that could have been put on the Agenda previously. Discussion arising from these items could extend a meeting time considerably. If the subject is not urgent then this item could go onto the next meetings agenda.)
7. Next Meeting
The Council agree a time for the next meeting. Currently the Council meets once a month.
8. Chairman Closes Meeting
The Chairman closes the meeting.

"sequere Polaris"
Ordinary Meeting Agenda
The North Pacific University Council
To Be Held on ...............
The North Pacific University Council
To Be Held on ...............
1. Chairman opens meeting
The Chairman controls the meeting and keeps order.
2. Attendance
A register is taken of who is present at the meeting and apologies sent for non attendance are noted. If Council Members do not attend and have not submitted apologies prior to the meeting, they are recorded as absent. Note: If voting is required here must be a quorum present, headed by the Chairman or Vice-Chairman with the Secretary present. A majority Council quorum must consist of at least 2 Officers and Members to form a majority. In the event of a tied vote, the Chairman may cast another vote in addition to his initial vote.
3. Previous meeting minutes
The previous minutes of the last meeting are read and normally they are proposed and seconded by two Council Members, who were present at the last meeting, as a true record.
4. Chairman's Report
The Chairman presents a report consisting of happenings within TNPU.
5. Divisional Head Reports
The following reports are to be given by the Divisional Heads to provide an overview of activity within their Divisions and may also be used to request assistance for moderation from the Chancellor.
115.1 Chancellory
115.2 NationStates Division
115.3 Humanities Division
115.4 Mathematical, Physical and Life Sciences Division
115.5 Social Sciences Division
115.6 Wizardofoz Lecture Hall
115.7 Polaris Library
115.8 stella polaris Museum
6. AOB
Any Other Business - The Chairman goes around the table to confirm if there is anything further that requires discussion. (I used to dread this in RL lol. As Committee Members would try to bring matters that could have been put on the Agenda previously. Discussion arising from these items could extend a meeting time considerably. If the subject is not urgent then this item could go onto the next meetings agenda.)
7. Next Meeting
The Council agree a time for the next meeting. Currently the Council meets once a month.
8. Chairman Closes Meeting
The Chairman closes the meeting.
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