Statement: The East Pacific


Just like a queef in the wind, so is life
TNP Nation

Dear Citizens,

With the conclusion of elections in The East Pacific, the Delegate-elect of The East Pacific, Marrabuk and their Viziers requested the aid of The North Pacific Army in the Delegacy transition.

In honor of our treaty, as well as being staunch allies, I ordered that NPA deploy to The East Pacific to endorse Marrabuk and the Viziers. However, despite this legitimate request from the government, the sitting Delegate, Fedele, has apparently ordered the ejection of our soldiers.

Moments ago, the sitting TEP delegate, Fedele, has begun banjecting nations who are endorsing Aelitia and the lawfully elected delegate, Marrabuk. Multiple GCRs and major regions, ours included, are involved in this transition assistance that was requested by the legitimately elected government of TEP.

This has not stopped Fedele and those aligned with him from illegally ejecting nations that followed this order. Nor has it stopped Fedele from ejecting and banning Marrabuk, the elected Delegate of The East Pacific.

This is a gross abuse of power that has unfortunately developed into an open coup aided by border control officer Funkadelia. As such, we fully condemn the actions of Fedele and their allies and wholeheartedly support the legitimate government of The East Pacific led by Marrabuk. This support stems from our long lasting relationship emboldened by the treaty our regions share.

At this time, we will continue to deploy in The East Pacific and work to put the duly elected government back in power. Updates will be shared as this situation develops.

We strongly condemn Fedele and his subordinates for their actions. We support and will continue to support the legitimate government led by Marrabuk.

Kind regards,
Delegate of The North Pacific
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Dear friends,

As many of you would know by now, The East Pacific has been liberated with Vizier Aelitia pushed into the Delegacy. This is the end of Fedele's rule over The East Pacific and it could not have come soon enough.

The dysfunction and chaos of this coup will no doubt be repackaged on the part of the perpetrators with an attempt to sell it as "for fun" or "just a joke". I believe it is important that we do not allow such a re-characterisation to occur. We were fortunate that the coup was so badly managed, the ejections of Viziers so poorly timed, and the leadership itself so dysfunctional.

We were nevertheless prepared for a long haul to restore what is good and right in The East Pacific. This liberation saw a bringing together of a large number of powers, some of whom rarely work together or who have no positive relationship at all. It is in these times of great adversity that we really see everyone come together in the name of doing the right thing.

I would like to acknowledge Delegate-elect Marrabuk, Bachtendekuppen, Todd McCloud and Aelitia (in particular) for their excellent management of the government in exile. They didn't give up even when two of them had been banned and two of them ejected. Secondly, I acknowledge the broad coalition of allies who came together to fight for the free and sovereign east (in no particularly order) - 10000 Islands, The South Pacific, Europeia, The Pacific, Osiris, The Rejected Realms, Balder, the Kingdom of Great Britain and many, many others, I may have accidentally left out.

Finally, I acknowledge the dedication of the North Pacific Army's soldiers, officers, high command and the volunteers who participated for the first time. The NPA led the coordination of the military efforts to liberate the region and we were successful. In particular I thank Owen, Robespierre and the entire executive council team who have assisted me in monitoring this situation throughout its duration.

Congratulations to The East Pacific on their hard fight to ensure the freedom of their home. We stand with The East Pacific and with it's new government. We will do all that we can to assist in rebuilding and hopefully preventing this from ever happening again.

Your delegate,