[DRAFT] NPA Bulletin for TNS Issue XII


The MacMilitant
TNP Nation
Francois Isidore
NPA Bulletin
by Robespierre, Minister of Defense


Minister of Defense (MoD): General Robespierre
Deputy Ministers of Defense (DMoDs):
Colonel Koopa and Colonel Trondstorm


The North Pacific Army's finest line up alongside their friends from the South Pacific Special Forces, the Rejected Realms Army, and the Europeian Republican Navy; excited for a productive day of joint operations

Private Ocelot was promoted to Private First Class
Major Bobberino was promoted to Colonel

Some of you may have noticed a bit of irregularity as of late, almost as if an uprising is imminent or the air around you has seemed... sweeter than usual. Well, today, as your newest General and supreme commander (that's not a rank), I am tasked with the responsibility to deliver this most unexpected news. What is this news you ask? Is it good? Is it bad? Ehh, I'll let you be the judge of that, but the fact of the matter is this: The waifus have taken over the North Pacific Army and they're not stopping yet! o_o

... I know, I know - don't panic. It'll all be okay as long as we stay calm and greet them openly. Refrain from making any sudden moves and let them do their thing vive la révolution! This'll all blow over soon...

Anyway, onto more pressing affairs! We've hit the ground running these past couple weeks and there's a lot to be proud of! A mere two days after taking my oath, nine soldiers lead by General Gladio took on the target of the thirteenth (13th) of September's featured region. Shortly thereafter, newly-instated Colonel Trondstorm took up the helm at the seventeenth (17) of September's major update and lead another nine troops on a short tag run through six regions. To cap off the week, another hit on a featured region was needed. Little did we know that it would become the featured region until after six soldiers had already stormed the premises, but two regions were hit that update and one of them got to serve as an advertisement for our beloved Floof's update force.

Carrying on, then-Major Bobberino got in on some of the action as well! On the twenty-seventh (27th) of September's minor update, four soldiers embarked out on a one-hitter of the region Devious Tyrant. Thankfully they didn't encounter any tyrant (ret.)'s on the battlefield that day, but a nice hit all the same. Didn't have any time to waste though, as Colonel Koopa got back into the thick of things that major with four hits and a solid backing of ten soldiers. What's better than one team running? Two teams sprinting! ... I think at least. On the twenty-ninth of September's major update, I lead a team and General Darcania lead a team. Four and four, eight soldiers participated, and we racked up another six hits in the process.

We needed a way to end of the month right and so we did that with a stealth operation that saw all of Western Civilization conquered. It was nothing too big on our part, but you can thank us later. Since then, Captain Dinoium has already lead the first raid of spooky season! On the first (1st) of October's minor update, four regions fell at the hands of seven soldiers. Remember when these updates used to be shorter reads? Yeah, I don't either... at least not since I started writing the bulletin. But wait! There's more!

In addition to this, it was announced informally by Minister of Defense Robespierre earlier this week that henceforth the North Pacific Army will now be offering its soldiers a plethora of new bonuses and incentives for outstanding service. These rewards programs, approved by the Office of the Delegate and coordinated with the Northern Light regional nation, will allow members of the Officer Corps increased accessibility to coveted NationStates cards of the legendary rarity and will seek to institute a sort of 'signing bonus' for newly-enlisted personnel.

Since then, the High Command has stated that it will be rewarding officers in increments of every five operations successfully lead and that newer soldiers will be awarded their signing bonus after five training missions are completed. More information about this initiative will be available within the next week via dispatch, but if one thing's for sure then it's that this is a great time to become involved with everything Ministry of Defense!

Lastly, we bring you more exciting news! Over the course of the past three weeks, members of the Generals' Staff have been working tirelessly to ensure that the new term gets off to a strong start. Even in the midst of a transition from one Minister of Defense to the next, progress did not seem to halt for the organization nor did it phase the barrack's men and women. In fact, things seem to be firing on all cylinders as of late, and there is no better example of this than the exemplary work that has been put in by General Darcania to make our Army's server a more secure, serviceable place for our allies from abroad.

With his unique set of skills, our Divine Floof has gone above and beyond the call of duty to transform our internal infrastructure from that of old-fashioned text channels to a fully-functional automated system capable of dividing troops into teams, enabling concurrent missions to be undertaken by two or more triggers, properly citing participants on each time out, and even introducing a new join system that eases soldiers into a mission at the connection of a specified voice channel. With these new innovations comes a more efficient and effective updating force - one that the North is proud to boast. For all of our allies, friends, foes, Floofs, and natives out there: we say thank you!
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Did you edit it to only executive council? Because it looks to me like he's talking about the generals staff for this paragraph and the next.
I read it as if he is talking about ministers in general. I will edit it to reflect only the Generals' Staff.