"The World is Fine, and Nothing Else Matters." - Opening Statement, The Word of Wisdom Senior Protector of the Good Michael the Righteous
The Central Pacific Enclave
The Central Pacific Enclave (TCPE) is an isolationist society in the world of Asheron, located in the place of what used to be known as the state of Hawaii. The TCPE is home to a thriving population of about a quarter-million individuals, with society divided into three castes:
The People
The Military
The Protectors of the Greater Good
Each caste has its own unique purpose and works towards the success and survival of the TCPE. Habeaus Corpus is non-existent. The People have no rights except for the right to live. The Press, General Knowledge, and the Military, are entirely controlled by the Protectors. Immigration and Emigration are vocabulary not learned in any sort of schooling.
In secret, the TCPE conducts trade with the GCP and X. To the GCP, we trade medicinal goods and weapons for petroleum to power power the TCPE's airship fleet. And to X, we trade [BLANK] for fuel rods to power the TCPE's fusion reactors.
Foreigners are allowed in very sparse numbers to visit the Enclave, but only after initial contact is made by the Enclave, and after a prolonged period of time. Under no circumstance are foreigners allowed to stay within the Enclave. Instead, they are afforded adequate accommodations aboard a specially designated airship.
"We Have Everything We'll Ever Need. The Protectors Said So." - Interview with the People's Representative The People's Council Harry Wright
The People of the TCPE
The People of the TCPE make up at least 70% of the given population. They hold no influence within society, with their true sole purpose for existence being providing for the Military and the Protectors of the Greater Good.
The Protectors govern the People's everyday lives. Enforcement is provided for by the Military. Punishment for stepping out of line is as follows:
Offense: A stern warning by a Captain of the Military.
Offense: A stern warning by a Captain of the Military and sentencing to a "Rehabilitation Center" for a period that might last anywhere from one to three weeks.
Offense: Sentencing to a "Rehabilitation Center" for a minimum of six months with close monitoring via ankle-monitor and weekly check-ins with a designated Captain of the Military
Offense: A punitive punishment as determined by the Protectors of the Greater Good.
The People are allowed to gamble/play cards, practice sports (non-violent), consume alcohol, and indulge in recreational drug use.
The price of these luxuries is a quota of hours to be served in productivity. The Protectors mandate that each individual fit to work, contribute to the productivity of the TCPE. Whether that means they work on a farm, in a restaurant, a workshop, or a boat, it does not matter. Within permissible guidelines, an individual is allowed to work and do what they wish.
The People do not know of the outside world. Specifically, they are taught not to know of the outside world by the Protectors of the Greater Good. Curiosity is a punishment worthy of death. Self-imposed ignorance is a gift.
The People of the TCPE are found nowhere else. Specifically, because they are not allowed to leave. Airships are only manned by the Military. Any members of the People caught trying to stow away on an airship are shot. The words "Immigration" and "Emigration" are vocabulary not taught in the People's schools.
The People do have some sort of pseudo-governing organization, called the People's Council. They hold no real governing power and are really a way for the Protectors of the Greater Good to gauge what needs are not being met and how better to maintain control over the People.