Opening Address (I'm back!)


Winter Phantom
TNP Nation

To the Ministry of Communications

Firstly, I am delighted and honoured to have been offered the position of Minister of Communications by our Delegate. This position is one I value significantly and genuinely enjoy serving in, which is why over the next few months, I will do my best to implement the vision laid out by McMasterdonia. We have a lot of work along the way, but I have confidence in all of you to help me get it done.

Secondly, I would like to acknowledge and commend of the decision of Plembobria, the former Minister of Communications, to resign from the position. Many of us may disagree on things within the realm of NS, but for all of us, we can agree that life comes first, so I wish Plembobria all the best with university, and I hope all is well for him in the future.

Finally, as this is only an opening address, any other pertinent information relevant more to the executive side of the ministry will be posted at a later date when all is finalised and confirmed.

Here's to a great term ahead! :D
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