by Gorundu, World Assembly Correspondent
General Assembly
Improving the world one resolution at a time
Ban on Forced Sterilisation
Status: Defeated
Delegate's vote: Against
Final vote (World): For - 6374; Against - 7537
Final vote (TNP): For - 180; Against - 343; Percentage of WA nations voting: 39.44%
Recommendation: Despite the good intentions of this resolution, it falls victim to several discrepancies that undermine its own effectiveness. Firstly, Clause 2.1 allows guardians of minors to legally consent to sterilisation on behalf of a minor, undermining the integrity and the spirit of the bill. In addition, several clauses are plagued by ambiguity that again undermines effectiveness. Clause 3.2 requires a state to "reasonably punish people who carry out illegal sterilisation" which does not specify what might count as reasonable punishment. Clause 4 "urges member states to provide reparations for victims of forced sterilisation." Again, this is too vague to be of any effective benefit and ultimately, no reparation is adequate to any sort of degree as there are no proven ways to give back to an individual the biological means to reproduce once sterilized. While this proposal is well-intentioned, it should in essence, be considered a draft for a much larger and more comprehensive bill on the topic of limiting forced sterilization.Status: Defeated
Delegate's vote: Against
Final vote (World): For - 6374; Against - 7537
Final vote (TNP): For - 180; Against - 343; Percentage of WA nations voting: 39.44%
In accordance with the reasoning presented above and in hopes of a redraft, the Ministry of World Assembly Affairs recommends a vote Against this proposal.
Repeal "Prohibit Private Prisons"
Status: Passed
Delegate's vote: For
Final vote (World): For - 10599; Against - 3354
Final vote (TNP): For - 466; Against - 84; Percentage of WA nations voting: 42.11%
Recommendation: The target resolution is well-intentioned, but possesses many flaws that undermines its effectiveness, as outlined by this repeal. Firstly, the target's definition of "prison" was too narrow in scope, excluding facilities holding prisoners before their conviction and any non-permanent facilities, thus creating loopholes for private prisons to exist, and even incentives for private prison operators to delay trials, encourage arrests, and frustrate the justice process. Furthermore, the target resolution also created several loopholes in its definition of a "private prison", including allowing governments to lease prisons to private operators, and minority ownership and operation of prisons by private entities. Status: Passed
Delegate's vote: For
Final vote (World): For - 10599; Against - 3354
Final vote (TNP): For - 466; Against - 84; Percentage of WA nations voting: 42.11%
In hopes of a replacement that will better protect inmate rights and regulate private prisons, the Ministry of World Assembly Affairs recommends a vote For this repeal. resolution
Security Council
Spreading interregional peace and goodwill, via force if necessary
Condemn Koem Kab
Status: Passed
Delegate's vote: For
Final vote (World): For - 9628; Against - 2648
Final vote (TNP): For - 423; Against - 69; Percentage of WA nations voting: 37.50%
Recommendation: Koem Kab, as described is worthy of condemnation for their assorted actions in pursuit of their goals in playing the trading cards mini-game. Many of these actions are in direct opposition or strongly disapproved by the majority of the trading cards community. Among these actions is the deliberate hoarding of the cards of certain legendary nations in attempts to ensure that no one else can get any of them, and Legendary cards in general. Additionally, Koem Kab has deliberately inflated the price of many cards in order to artificially raise the value of their own collections and stealing the bank transfers of other card farmers. For future reference, it should be noted that gameplay within this card community is something to behold and acknowledged both in this and future proposals.Status: Passed
Delegate's vote: For
Final vote (World): For - 9628; Against - 2648
Final vote (TNP): For - 423; Against - 69; Percentage of WA nations voting: 37.50%
For these reasons, and others listed in the Condemnation, the Ministry of World Assembly Affairs recommends a vote For this proposal.
Commend Mikeswill
Status: Defeated
Delegate's vote: Against
Final vote (World): For - 2924; Against - 10905
Final vote (TNP): For - 76; Against - 444; Percentage of WA nations voting: 39.82%
Recommendation: The SC proposal at hand is written first and foremost by an author universally disliked by the decent regions and nations of the world for both their various self-aggradizaition and fascist nature. Furthermore, the nominee is being commended almost entirely for holding a regional delegacy for a long period of time, with little to no other notable features noted to their delegacy. Additionally, the proposal has received only the minimum of drafting needed in order to secure legality (with a previous version being illegal as submitted). Finally, the proposal asserts that "this Security Council has honoured nations for far lesser feats," a exceedingly false claim and slander against the names of those so commended by the Security Council. Status: Defeated
Delegate's vote: Against
Final vote (World): For - 2924; Against - 10905
Final vote (TNP): For - 76; Against - 444; Percentage of WA nations voting: 39.82%
For these reasons the Ministry of World Assembly Affairs strongly and unconditionally recommends a vote AGAINST the proposal.
[IMG][/IMG][SIZE=7] World Assembly Digest[/SIZE]
[RIGHT][I]by Gorundu, World Assembly Correspondent[/I][/RIGHT]
[B][COLOR=green]General Assembly[/COLOR][/B]
[I]Improving the world one resolution at a time[/I][/CENTER]
[CENTER][B]Ban on Forced Sterilisation
[I]Status: [COLOR=red][B]Defeated[/B][/COLOR]
Delegate's vote: [COLOR=red][B]Against[/B][/COLOR]
Final vote (World): For - [COLOR=#008000]6374[/COLOR]; Against - [COLOR=#ff0000][B]7537[/B][/COLOR]
Final vote (TNP): For - [COLOR=#008000]180[/COLOR]; Against - [COLOR=#ff0000][B]343[/B][/COLOR]; Percentage of WA nations voting: [B]39.44%[/B]
[B]Recommendation: [/B][I]Despite the good intentions of this resolution, it falls victim to several discrepancies that undermine its own effectiveness. Firstly, Clause 2.1 allows guardians of minors to legally consent to sterilisation on behalf of a minor, undermining the integrity and the spirit of the bill. In addition, several clauses are plagued by ambiguity that again undermines effectiveness. Clause 3.2 requires a state to "reasonably punish people who carry out illegal sterilisation" which does not specify what might count as reasonable punishment. Clause 4 "urges member states to provide reparations for victims of forced sterilisation." Again, this is too vague to be of any effective benefit and ultimately, no reparation is adequate to any sort of degree as there are no proven ways to give back to an individual the biological means to reproduce once sterilized. While this proposal is well-intentioned, it should in essence, be considered a draft for a much larger and more comprehensive bill on the topic of limiting forced sterilization.
In accordance with the reasoning presented above and in hopes of a redraft, the Ministry of World Assembly Affairs recommends a vote [B]Against[/B] this proposal.[/I]
[CENTER][B]Repeal "Prohibit Private Prisons"[/B]
[I]Status: [B][COLOR=green]Passed[/COLOR][/B]
Delegate's vote: [B][COLOR=green]For[/COLOR][/B]
Final vote (World): For - [COLOR=green][B]10599[/B][/COLOR]; Against - [COLOR=#ff0000]3354[/COLOR]
Final vote (TNP): For - [COLOR=green][B]466[/B][/COLOR]; Against - [COLOR=#ff0000]84[/COLOR]; Percentage of WA nations voting: [B]42.11%[/B]
[B]Recommendation: [/B][I]The target resolution is well-intentioned, but possesses many flaws that undermines its effectiveness, as outlined by this repeal. Firstly, the target's definition of "prison" was too narrow in scope, excluding facilities holding prisoners before their conviction and any non-permanent facilities, thus creating loopholes for private prisons to exist, and even incentives for private prison operators to delay trials, encourage arrests, and frustrate the justice process. Furthermore, the target resolution also created several loopholes in its definition of a "private prison", including allowing governments to lease prisons to private operators, and minority ownership and operation of prisons by private entities.
In hopes of a replacement that will better protect inmate rights and regulate private prisons, the Ministry of World Assembly Affairs recommends a vote [B]For[/B] this repeal. resolution[/I]
[B][COLOR=red]Security Council[/COLOR][/B]
[I]Spreading interregional peace and goodwill, via force if necessary[/I][/CENTER]
[CENTER][B]Condemn Koem Kab
[I]Status: [COLOR=green][B]Passed[/B][/COLOR]
Delegate's vote: [COLOR=green][B]For[/B][/COLOR]
Final vote (World): For - [COLOR=#008000][B]9628[/B][/COLOR]; Against - [COLOR=#ff0000]2648[/COLOR]
Final vote (TNP): For - [COLOR=#008000][B]423[/B][/COLOR]; Against - [COLOR=#ff0000]69[/COLOR]; Percentage of WA nations voting: [B]37.50%[/B]
[B]Recommendation: [/B][I]Koem Kab, as described is worthy of condemnation for their assorted actions in pursuit of their goals in playing the trading cards mini-game. Many of these actions are in direct opposition or strongly disapproved by the majority of the trading cards community. Among these actions is the deliberate hoarding of the cards of certain legendary nations in attempts to ensure that no one else can get any of them, and Legendary cards in general. Additionally, Koem Kab has deliberately inflated the price of many cards in order to artificially raise the value of their own collections and stealing the bank transfers of other card farmers. For future reference, it should be noted that gameplay within this card community is something to behold and acknowledged both in this and future proposals.
For these reasons, and others listed in the Condemnation, the Ministry of World Assembly Affairs recommends a vote [B]For[/B] this proposal.[/I]
[CENTER][B]Commend Mikeswill[/B]
[I]Status: [COLOR=red][B]Defeated[/B][/COLOR]
Delegate's vote: [COLOR=red][B]Against[/B][/COLOR]
Final vote (World): For - [COLOR=#008000]2924[/COLOR]; Against - [COLOR=red][B]10905[/B][/COLOR]
Final vote (TNP): For - [COLOR=#008000]76[/COLOR]; Against - [COLOR=red][B]444[/B][/COLOR]; Percentage of WA nations voting: [B]39.82%[/B]
[B]Recommendation: [/B][I]The SC proposal at hand is written first and foremost by an author universally disliked by the decent regions and nations of the world for both their various self-aggradizaition and fascist nature. Furthermore, the nominee is being commended almost entirely for holding a regional delegacy for a long period of time, with little to no other notable features noted to their delegacy. Additionally, the proposal has received only the minimum of drafting needed in order to secure legality (with a previous version being illegal as submitted). Finally, the proposal asserts that "this Security Council has honoured nations for far lesser feats," a exceedingly false claim and slander against the names of those so commended by the Security Council.
For these reasons the Ministry of World Assembly Affairs strongly and unconditionally recommends a vote [B]AGAINST[/B] the proposal.[/I]
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