[Planning] An Interview with Kasch

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El Fiji Grande

Over 45000 km and counting
TNP Nation
El Fiji Grande (#3446)

Host: El Fiji Grande
Speaker: Kasch
Date/Time: Sunday 9/22, Noon Pacific
Venue: Private VC

Question List/Script
If you haven’t spent much time in The North Pacific, you won’t know much about our newest Deputy Speaker, Kaschovia, also known simply as Kasch. But while he only recently became active again, he actually has a long history in The North Pacific, having served as Minister of Communications and as Vice Delegate. As any modern Minister worth their salt knows, Kasch had an incredible impact on the Ministry of Comms, and his influence continues to be felt to this day.

Welcome to the show, Kasch!

General Questions

I think it’s probably best if we start at the beginning. Could you talk about why you joined NS, and what led you to The North Pacific?

Is there any background or significance to your nation name?

Can you tell us about your early days in The North Pacific?

One of your dispatches records a number of NPA operations you’ve been a part of. How influential were those eight months in the NPA been to your TNP career?

What positions have you served in, for how long, and in what order?

As Gameside Affairs Minister, what did you see your role as being? How would you define success in that role? What are your thoughts of the Gameside Advocates now?

You were elected to become Vice Delegate under Pallaith. What do you remember from those elections? Who did you run against, and what sort of campaign did you run?

You ran on a platform to increase representation for SC members, provide better opportunities for Keepers of the North, be consistent with all security checks, and provide reassurance and security to the Delegacy. Do you see yourself as having been successful in those goals during your term? To what extent do we still face these challenges today?

After being appointed Minister of Communications, your term in office saw some of the longest and most thoroughly written Issues of The Northern Light. How were you able to achieve such success?

About three years ago, you founded NBS with the help of bootsie, Tomb, FrozenTopHat, Darcania, Yalkan, Scortch, and Aragnatim. I’ve listened to every old NBS show, and really enjoy them for the time capsule they are of our region’s past. What was NBS like back then? How was it organized?

You’ve described creating the NBS platform as your greatest achievement from your times as Minister of Communications. What are your thoughts about its current direction with the Ministry of Radio?

Having led and organized NBS in the past, what do you think we need to work on most?

What caused you to leave NS?

What has influenced your decision to return, and do you plan on sticking around?

What are your plans and goals now that you’re back?

Having served so extensively for TNP in leadership roles in the past, can you imagine yourself serving in the Executive Council again?

What’s your favorite part about TNP? What would you like to see improved?

What is your leadership style?

Now that you’re back, can we expect FrozenTopHat and Scortch as well? :P

Thanks for taking time out of your day to be on the show!

Enjoy your evening!

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Audio Editing Claims

This morning, Kasch and I recorded an NBS episode in which I interviewed him about his past roles here in TNP as well as his goals and plans for the future. Many of the questions I asked can be found above. While this show ended up more as a meandering conversation than as a professional interview, it's still a great snapshot of who Kasch is and what he stands for.

This show is the first that will undergo the shared audio editing that Ministry of Radio staff members should regularly perform. I've already leveled speaker volume across the entire track, so volume adjustments are not necessary. Please follow the File Sharing and Sound Editing tutorials when claiming audio segments. I've broken the recording into five sections of roughly equal nine minute length. In order to claim a segment, post your claim below and DM me your NS gmail address so I can share the folder with you. Only claim one segment at a time - in other words, finish the one you're working on before claiming another. All edited segments will be worth 6 points towards the Radio Rewards Program.

Audio Segment:Claimed By:Completed?
Thanks for your time,

Minister of Radio

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