Opening Address: 15 September 2019


The MacMilitant
TNP Nation
Francois Isidore

The Ministry of Defense
Opening Statement: 15 September 2019

Good evening, everyone!

Alas, your newest dictator *ahem* ... I mean, Minister of Defense has made an appearance before the public to offer each of you this day's opening address! Now, normally you all would be expecting an eloquent speech or at least something more substantial and long-winded. But no, unfortunately, today is not the day for textwalls galore. Instead, what I have in store for our soldiers is much more interesting and will require a lot less reading on the citizenry's part. Over the course of the past four (nearly five) months many of you have grown to know me as a North Pacifican that is extremely active, very energetic, and exceptionally proactive. As we progress forward into the new term let it be known that my commitment to each of these regards will not only continue but will be amplified.

I would be remiss if I did not take this message as an opportunity to express my gratitude to our newly-elected Delegate @mcmasterdonia. While it may seem superficial (or almost expected) to thank the person who's allowing you a chance at pursuing a new job title, I do want to stop for a moment and acknowledge the degree of faith that our former Minister of Foreign Affairs has placed in me to lead the North Pacific Army onto future greatness as a true up-and-comer. For that, I thank not only his administration but I also thank the proud tradition that we have established in the social fabric of our region which allows prospective leaders such as myself a chance to shine. For me, that's what this is: a chance to shine and seek out organizational improvement each day as I fulfill my duties to the many friends I've made here.

I could continue on and on with grand promises, a declaration of objectives for the term, a hype package of various ambitions, and more. But I won't be doing any of that, because I'd rather show you all what my vision for this is instead of simply speaking it into existence. As the Minister of Defense, I've been fortunate enough to inherit an already exemplary Generals Staff full of talented individuals and civil servants who've dedicated their time and efforts to our Charter's cause. I am thankful for that, but in addition to that luxury, I am also so privileged as to have the honour of staffing the High Command with the term's Deputy Ministers of Defense. Without further delay, I present to you the following appointments:

@Koopa103 will be returning to his former role as a senior Deputy Minister of Defense and @Trondstorm will be taking up the reigns as our newest Deputy Minister of Defense.

As I am sure some of you may recall from my earlier address as the Minister of Home Affairs back in June, Trondstorm is a young player who's loaded with potential. I exclaimed on this before in saying that he "demonstrated an innate ability to learn new concepts quickly and had a good upside about him". We've all seen what Koopa brings to the table and his service is undeniably invaluable to our Officer Corps. That being said, I hold confidence that this will be the term that they both develop into righteous soldiers and strategists who can take up the helm in my stead.

Once again, thank you all for your support and thank you all for making one of my dreams here a reality. I am ecstatic to be leading the military of a game-created region and it brings me great pride and joy to say that I'm being placed in a position to make things better. As always, my door is always open for questions, comments, concerns, or other inquiries. I understand this address was brief, but with trust, the process will yield some impressive results. Thank you, and hail the North Pacific Army!

In solidarity,

General Robespierre
Minister of Defense
on the Executive Council
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