[RPR II] The Yakuvonian Revolution Begins, by Lotion Empire

El Fiji Grande

Over 45000 km and counting
TNP Nation
El Fiji Grande (#3446)

Editor's Note: I would first like to thank Lotion for enthusiastically submitting the following content to the Roleplay Reel. If the goal of the Roleplay Reel is to promote Roleplay communities in TNP then some excerpts from certain works falls in line with that.
I’ve known Lotion for a while now through Eras. And while the following is a case of his RMB roleplay in Strangereal, I nonetheless have had the privilege of watching his writing skills evolve. It’s the pleasure of all involved in the Roleplay Reel to present his opening post in the Yakuvonian Revolution roleplay as featured content.

Ivan Vakhrov, the party leader of the August Party sat onto his chair with a sense of relaxation. He was in a bar, which after a few fights, a brawl between party leaders, and bribing of Police Officers was under control and ran by the August Party almost completely. Ivan had a meeting with another colleague of his, and after which, he had to deliver a speech to the entire party, or at least the majority of it. Ivan picked up a newspaper titled - “Mygrosk Pravda”. Which was a August Party ran newspaper, which while it was biased, and had a few stories that were completely twisted into propaganda to smear the Republic’s(or enemy political parties) look, or make the August Party look more better than how they actually looked - Ivan had no care. All he needed was the news, bias or not.

He looked at the center part of the newspaper, “Apparently, Volkov has done his first move. He’s starting to make the police less.. Corrupt?” Ivan said to his friend Zubov. “I think we should attempt to do something about it…” Ivan laughed. “Nyet moy drug.(No my friend) The police around here in Kolozhsk are completely corrupt. It’d probably take more than just a law to make the police do their job and not grab more money then their current wage.” Zubov nodded for a moment then proceeded to take a wine bottle that was on the table, and began drinking it. Ivan then dropped the newspaper onto the middle of the table, and began tapping. After a few hours, he heard a bell ring around the entrance of the bar. Ivan looked up from his seat for a moment. “Ah. Zolotov! Your here.”

A large lotion bottle, wearing a tough looking khaki uniform emerged from the entrance of the bar. Upon noticing Ivan, he came towards Ivan. “I have the plans, and I think we can do this.. Tomorrow.” Zolotov whispered to Ivan. Zolotov proceeded to toss an heavy folder towards Ivan, almost spilling his drink. Ivan looked intrigued for a moment. He slowly picked up the heavy folder, and flipped through the papers quickly. He grinned. “Finally. After years of bribing the police man, risking our lives to gain money, and living on the street… Tomorrow will be the day.. The Republic will fall, and the workers will be saved from their oppressor.” Ivan dropped the folder onto the table hurryingly, and he grabbed his tankard which was full of Vodka. He said loudly, “Attention comrades. I have an announcement to make.” The people and Lotionese around Ivan stopped speaking for a moment.

“Today, I have recieved news. News to ensure to show that Yakuvony will be heading to greatness - News to ensure that the workers will be liberated from their oppressors - News to show that the republic system has utterly failed, and the dawn of Chernovism has come to Yakuvony. Today, a few of our men has managed to break into a Republic armory, and stolen a large stack of weaponry! We are now ready to start the Revolution tomorrow, and overthrow the bourgeois that oppress the workers! Tomorrow comrades.. We will destroy the republic that tarnishes Yakuvony, and her glory! Ura!”

Ivan exclaimed to the bar. The majority of people proceeded to stand up and yell “URA” whilst waving their right hand in the shape of a fist high in the air, or clapped. Ivan put his tankard up in the air “A toast. To our future socialist republic! To our Workers Paradise!” The rest of the crowd moved their tankard up to the air, and a few said, “Glory!”

Almost immediately, a few men carrying a few bags entered the bar. One of them, a small but fit man, said, “We have the weapons. It's time to begin.” The men dropped the bags onto the floor, revealing that inside the bags were a few AK’s, a few Tokarev pistols, a few SVT-40s, a few SKS’s, or a few Mosin’s(note, IC-ly, their actually named differently, but just to save the time of not constantly saying what the gun actually is.. Yeah). Some people rushed towards the bag, grabbing just one weapon they could get. Ivan grabbed a Tokarev pistol. One of the members, a Lotionese, grabbed a red flag that was lying onto the countertop of an area of the bar. Ivan looked at the people around him, and simply said, “Do not fail me. If we fail today, we fail the revolution. Yes, we did move the revolution back by one day, but we are ready now more than ever. Now.. Go my men, and fight to capture the city. Make the military barracks surrender, and capture the city.”

As the men and Lotionese rushed out of the bar, Ivan had told his colleague, and his friend to remain, as they needed to plan out the rest of the revolution.

The Revolution to save the workers in Yakuvony.. Had begun.