Breaking News: Debate Held For Delegate
It’s an exciting time for TNP, as the General election draws near. In a shocking move to the entire region, the sitting Delegate, El Fiji Grande has decided not to run for re-election. This left the Delegate race a wide open contest for some of the most brilliant and intellectual people in the entire region to gain votes and win the Delegacy, unfortunately none of them are running this time around.
In their place, we have McMasterdonia, the clear favorite, Bobberino, everyone’s second choice, Nessuno, the cutest Loch Ness monster, and Bormiar, who rightly should be afraid of me.

From Left To Right, Top to Bottom: Nessuno, Bobberino, Bormiar, and McMasterdonia.
All of them were present for the recent Greitbart debate, hosted by probably the best people in all of NationStates, Highton and Syrixia. While it’s too early to announce a winner, Greitbart predicts that it was McMasterdonia that stole the show.

Highton and Syrixia, Hosts of the Debate
While Nessuno gave the best opening statement, Bormiar was astutely aware of the greatest threat to the region (yours truly), and Bobberino was actually capable of answering most of the questions seriously, McMasterdonia showed grace and candor as she answered each question flawlessly. It was quite a show, and it brought Fiji to tears.
So in the end, while Greitbart will not officially endorse any one candidate, McMasterdonia really killed this debate, and if you don’t vote for her...she’ll be very upset.
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