His Majesty's Government
![]() | The 38th Imperial Parliament ![]() | |
The Monarchy King: HRBM Henry IX Prince of Wales: HRBH Charles Prince Royal: HBH Leopold HM Civil Executive Government Prime Minister: Madeline Norfolk Deputy Prime Minister: Arthur Hanover-Stuart Home Secretary: Ralph Norfolk-Westfalen Foreign Secretary: Klaus Mikaelson Culture Secretary: William Rhys Lancaster-Stuart Roleplay Secretary: Artimedias Norfolk-Wesfalen Attorney General: Alistair Stuart Great Officers of State Principle Private Secretary: Alistair Stuart Lord Chamberlain: Henry Norfolk Lord Advocate: Juris Lancaster Captain General: Madeline Norfolk Director-General of MI5: Arnold T Lancaster-Stuart Supreme Court Lord Chief Justice: Owen Bonaparte Associate Justice: Jay Dee Bonaparte Associate Justice: Theodore Uchiha | Kingdom of Great Britain Regional Information Kiosk ![]() Founded: August 18th, 2013 Ruling Family: The Royal House of Stuart Regional Power: High | The House of Lords Lord High Chancellor His Royal Highness, the Prince of Wales His Royal Britannic Highness, The Prince of Wales His Grace, The Duke of Clarence and Aquitaine His Grace, The Duke of York His Lordship, The Marquess of Westminster His Lordship, The Earl of Carlisle His Lordship, The Viscount Telcontar of Whitby The House of Commons The Rt. Hon. Speaker Alistair Stuart Alistair Stuart (TPP) MP for Brandon-Souris (Canada) Arthur Hanover-Stuart (FEP) MP for Grey (Australia) Madeline Norfolk (BRP) MP for Dwyfor Meirionnydd (Wales) William Rhys Lancaster (BRP) MP for Kingston upon Hull East (England) Artimedias Norfolk-Westfalen (ind) MP for East Coast (New Zealand) Albert Philip Hanover-Stuart (BRP) MP for Dublin Central (Ireland) Cameron M. Romefeller (NLP) MP for Na h-Eileanan an Iar (Scotland) HM Government: Free-Royalist-Potato Cooperative HM Loyal Opposition: National Labour Party Citizens' Assembly Crown Delegate: HBH The Prince Royal Chairman: Alec Norfolk-Stuart |
HMG Foreign Update
July 2019
July 2019
Norfolk-Stuart and the BRP Take the Main StageWritten by K. MikaelsonFollowing a time of political turmoil across the region, it was Madeline Norfolk-Stuart and her British Royalist Party that swept into political power in the most recent General Election. BRP members took control of 10 Downing Street, six of the seven seats in the House of Commons and the Chairman's seat in the Citizen's Assembly.
Norfolk-Stuart Address supporters of the British Royalist Party following the Election
With a mixture of old and new members, the British Royalist Party was able to appeal to a wide base of support, in part thanks to their multi-party coalition that now holds a majority of seats within the House of Commons. Prime Minister Norfolk-Stuart is no stranger to holding high office, and after being nominated several times for the position in the previous term, she now finally enters 10 Downing Street ready and willing to get to work for the betterment of her people and region. Before the election, Norfolk-Stuart announced the proposed cabinet members that she would invite to join her government if she were to be elected.
His Majesties Government now looks like this:
Deputy Prime Minister: Arthur Hanover-Stuart
Home Secretary: Ralph Norfolk-Westfalen
Foreign Secretary: Klaus Mikaelson
Culture Secretary: William Rhys Lancaster-Stuart
Roleplay Secretary: Artimedias Norfolk-Wesfalen
Attorney General: Alistair Stuart
While some questioned a few of the nominees who were newer to the region, Norfolk-Stuart heartily endorsed all proposed cabinet as being a good mixture of people well known in the region and people that while newer, had worked with Norfolk-Stuart before.
The citizens of the region now eagerly wait to see just how successful Norfolk-Stuart's government is during this much-anticipated term.
*Author's Note: Since the time that this article was first written, one of the BRP MP's has stepped down and has been replaced by Cameron Romefeller of the NLP.
The Assembly is WorkingWritten by Alec Norfolk-Stuart,
Chairman of the AssemblyThe purpose of the inclusion of legislative theme events in the Citizens' Assembly is to encourage participation in the CA. The First Theme, Defense, encouraged members to draft and discuss pieces of legislation that fell under the category of Defense. While I do not have an exact number for the individuals who participated in the discussions (which is awesome because a lot of people participated!), we did have three bills submitted and discussed in the CA.![]()
The goal is to "institutionalize" these themed events- by that I mean, I hope that my successor in the role of CA Chair will continue the events, and the placement of past Chairs and their terms in the Hall of Chairpeople.
Another major goal is the purpose of the events- the aforementioned encouragement of participation in the CA- and to continue to see them increase. We are almost finished with the second theme, Education, and discussion and debate has been going on for quite some time- especially pertaining to one piece of Education-themed legislation. While I cannot share the next theme at this time (I want to keep it a surprise), I do hope that it will be even more active than the previous two, which are increasing in activity and participation already. The BBC and private medias have been covering this wildly successful initiative!
Parliament, Parliament, ParliamentWritten by Arthur Hanover-Stuart MPThe House of Commons this past month has seen discussion close on 4 bills and there’s one still on the floor. Though the Speaker has been noted to have concern over activity, the People’s House has been ultimately productive having passed 3 of those 4 bills on to the House of Lords.![]()
First, the Freedom of Information Act, proposed in the previous term, was tabled following the proposal from the Hon. Member for Grey (Australia) that would, rather than create a whole new act, amend a standing one to ensure that the law already on the books was compliant with other laws that it was contradicting.
The Military Intelligence Reform Act (MIRA) Freedom of Information Amendment, as previously discussed, would amend the act to be compliant and expounding by other laws already enacted. It was passed on July 25th.
Prior to the passage of the Freedom of Information Amendment, however, the ambitious and wide ranging Criminal Code Amendment proposed by the Rt. Hon. Speaker and Member for Brandon-Souris (Canada) passed to the House of Lords on July 21st. It would change many of the punishments in the Criminal Code, and set a new standard for scalable punishments for wide-ranging crimes. This would allow the court to be more lenient when sentencing as crimes are not always as black and white as the Code presently would make it seem.
The Prime Minister’s Succession Act, which would make sweeping changes to the way that Prime Ministers would be succeeded in the event of a resignation, passed the House of Commons on July 29th.
The bill still being debated was put to the House floor on July 25th and would set ethical standards for official domestic media sources in the region such as out of context quotations and the punishments for breaking those ethics. The bill was proposed by the Rt. Hon. Prime Minister and Member for Dwyfor Meirionnydd (Wales) at the request of a citizen (Mr. Eli Hesial) in her office on July 22nd. Mr. Hesial also wrote the bill.
On July 19th, the Rt. Hon. Prime Minister, Madeline Norfolk-Stuart opened the first session of Prime Minister’s Questions. There, while answering questions, also made promises towards guides for the Master Citizenship Maintenance, appointment of a chief mouser at 10 Downing, among other things.
Deputy PM Takes Mental HolidayWritten by Eliza Poppyseed
BBC News
Recent speculation suggestions that the Deputy PM has been refusing to take his medication since taking officePrime Minister Norfolk, now in her 4th term and just days into it, has already experienced a few hiccups in her administration, namely, her Deputy Prime Minister entering Parliamentary chambers to report on his duties, but not on the duties one would think.
In a heated conversation and many coming to an agreement that the Speaker of the House of Commons Alistair Stuart was on the right track in rectifying the concern of setting a minimum and rather extreme sentencing, Deputy Prime Minister and Member for Grey, Arthur Norfolk-Hanover-Stuart entered the chambers to report that he had spoken to all the Ministers regarding their Civil Service applications.
Confused and concerned for his well being, the Prime Minister and Speaker pulled the Deputy Prime Minister aside to ensure he was well. The Deputy blinked and realized in horror that he was in fact not in the Prime Minister’s office and was instead in the Commons chambers. “I am so sorry, I thought this was 10 Downing, my driver must have taken me to the wrong address…” to which the Deputy was reminded he drove himself. In a dignified tone, the Deputy exclaimed “I have just finished traveling and I’ve had 2 really productive days I’m entitled to a stupid day”. The Prime Minister and Speaker were seen by a House recordkeeper cracking up as the Speaker adjourned today’s Commons session for Lunch. This event was quickly struck from the record in chambers, but not before this reporter got her hands on it!
During lunch, the Speaker had indicated he “took that drill like a man” as he explained his horrors at the dentist earlier in the morning while the Deputy Prime Minister commented on the Speaker’s behavior must be drug-related. Sources say that the Speaker does not have a drug issue, just a caffeine dependency. The Culture Secretary reminded the Speaker to brush his teeth, but not go too far and floss.
After hearing of what occurred within Commons, the Foreign Secretary smirked “Deputy PM? Mr. Bean? You decide!” to which the Speaker and Deputy Prime Minister began a heated argument over the use of uwu. By-standers at the lunch have indicated that Mr. Hanover-Stuart intends to resurrect the zombie of Andrew Jackson to siege Mr. Stuart’s city. Whatever this means is only known between the two as the rest during the lunch stared blankly at the two.
Upon meeting after lunch concluded, all Secretaries reported that their applications have been updated, and the launch for the new and improved Civil Service is to be announced sometime later this week prior to the first round of Prime Minister’s Questions.
The ambassador and diplomat list has finally received the TLC is needed for organization and an update is set to have finish the drafting stages by the end of the first session of PMQs.
The Roleplay Secretary, after making faces towards the Home Secretary, explained that she has been hard at work for a new update within the roleplay, likely military-related as the guide for the roleplay is reaching the end of the drafting stages. The Attorney General happily reported that the Bar Exam is continuing to be improved, when asked about what is next for his staff, he simply stared at the Prime Minister in response, only she knew what that meant. After he insinuated that the Prime Minister was distributing weed to foreign nationals, she concluded it was better to simply allow him shenanigans during meetings and in private, handling business.
Thank you for reading our July 2019 Update! As always, we invite you to come and visit our [a href="[URL]http://kogb.freeforums.net/[/URL]"]offsite forum[/a] where the activities never stop!