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- Marcus Antonius #8887

Professor Marcus Antonius gets some 'Fuzzy' news
Dear Staff, Lecturers and students,
I have received some exciting news.
Fuzzy, who is the Minister of Foreign Affairs (MoFa) of Balder, and I are in discussion about an opportunity to cooperate between our respective universities.
Essentially this would involve an exchange of speakers from our region going to Balder to present/appear in a kind of secondment, and people from Balder would come to TNP.
He has about four lecturer's lined up to present in our Wizardofoz Lecture Hall.
We are seeking to reciprocate with volunteers to lecture in Balder, to represent TNPU and the Region.
The lectures are planned for sometime in mid August.
The lectures would preferably be relating to NS topics.
If you are interested in this opportunity please let @Prydania, @mcmasterdonia, @Fuzzy or myself know.
Thank you.
"firmamentum polaris"
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