[Thel] Kobolds


Hidden deep in the mountains and ancient forests, the Kobold race is an ancient remnant of ages long past, who have survived to the present day in surprisingly large numbers, hidden away in their burrows or nests. While somewhat draconic in appearance, Kobolds sport feathery plumes across their bodies and are related to the Aeviri. Kobolds are incapable of true flight, but are capable of gliding for long distances, which they put to great effect in their mountain cities.

Kobolds are a fairly short race compared to humans, measuring around 1.22 to 1.44 meters, or 48” to 56.7” when standing fully upright, but their typical slightly hunched posture makes them appear smaller. Kobolds typically have a mass between 38 to 46 kilograms, or roughly 83.8 to 101.4 pounds. The lifespan of a kobold is fairly similar to a human’s - typically living into their 70s, but some kobolds have been known to live extraordinarily long lives, reaching well above 100 years. The feathers of adult kobolds are vibrantly colored in a variety of shades, while kobold hatchlings and children have pale and often mottled feathers in a variety of earth tones, which help camouflage them. Kobold feathers, while colorful, are not naturally iridescent, but it is not uncommon for adults to coat their feathers in mineral dust to make them glitter.

Most Kobolds tend to live in mountainous areas, creating extensive tunnel and burrow networks, not dissimilar to dwarven civilizations. However, Kobolds do not typically create the grand subterranean halls and vast architecture typically associated with dwarves, instead preferring smaller and more labyrinthine tunnelways, with winding passages between burrows, with traps and chokepoints scattered throughout to prevent even the most dedicated of interlopers from making much, if any at all, progress. In addition, natural disguises and hidden passageways can make even the largest kobold cities seem abandoned or in some cases, not even there. What few above ground structures exist in Kobold cities are typically disguised to look like rock formations or trees, or even dilapidated or long abandoned structures, at least from the outside. Most of these structures serve as watchtowers, alerting the city to outsiders long before most even realize they’ve entered Kobold territory.

Though it may seem so, most Kobold cities are not as paranoid and closed to outsiders as the myriad of deterrents, traps, and disguises might suggest. They typically foster strong and lasting relationships with neighboring cities and cultures, trading extensively with them and offering refuge and protection in the event of war. Many Kobolds also take to living in nearby allied cities, either extending tunnel networks underneath the city or creating settlements on rooftops and towers.