America on Lotion
- TNP Nation
- Lotion Empire
This is a thread for all the posts I make in the RP Discord in Eras Worldbuilding that is related to Valamo. This is to ensure they're canon, and are so I don't lose track of my posts.
Now, without further ado - The below post will be for the first week - From Tuesday(Where I started) to Saturday.
Tuesday -
Wednesday -
Thursday -
Friday -
Saturday -
Now, without further ado - The below post will be for the first week - From Tuesday(Where I started) to Saturday.
Tuesday -
Valamic Ship departing from the coast by Bohdan Juntunen. The painting itself was made in 1854, and the ship itself is the "VIK Ghindeciya" (Ship prefix = Valamichnyy imperatorsʹkyy korabel" = Valamic Imperial Ship). The ship itself didn't have much of an interesting history though - It was built in 1836, and remained within the Valamic fleet until it was scrapped in 1875, with the Ironclad becoming more and more used within the Valamic navy. In any case, aside from that, it typically was used to protect Valamic merchant fleets in the times of peace, or was used in an expeditionary fleets in the earlier parts of its life.

Eagle eye view of the city of Nemykva, located in the Western area of the Mollava province. The city itself has a population of around 250,000, and under most sources, it was founded in 1516. It was originally ruled by a single king for a long, long time, until a few wars erupted, the city was sacked a few times, and eventually, after rebuilding, it was put under the Valamic banner upon reunification, and was later destroyed in the Valamic Revolution of 1916, and 1921. It was rebuild quickly afterwards, but was destroyed again in the Fascist Wars. It was rebuild again, and nowadays, it hasn't really been as destroyed as it was in the past. It still has sustained some damage, and there are some reports of Andrennian bombs being located in emptied homes or streets, but they tend to be dealt with. The city itself has a flag, but I havent made it because im lazy.

Heres the RT-5A2 tank, put in service in 1997, the tank was a direct upgrade from the RT-5A1, and doesnt really have much of a service life - Mainly just due to the timing. During this time, change in the former Valamic Commune(Yes.. I said former - Please look at my recent news post I made on like.. Sunday, if your confused) was pretty much finished, and the commune was busy updating its tanks, and making new ones. Whilst it was a fairly good tank, it was frequently simply not used in favor for more newer and "better" tanks. However, it was often supplied to revolutions whenever Valamo sent tanks and equipment to a nation during a civil war, and nowadays, the tank is just used as a sort of tank that gets sent out towards foreign conflicts - And especially training(Mainly because they want to put some use to it, and the produced tanks) Production stopped in 2014, and now a RT-5A3 is in the works. (Picture is of two valamic soldiers driving the tank)

Wednesday -
Here's a picture of the city of Glogeriya, a city located in the region of Kolozne, and is home to around 90,000 people, according to a 2013 census, although, that number is most likely inflated. The city was originally made in 1634, but was under a independent kingdom, named the "Goregiya Kingdom". This kingdom was formed following the "10 Years War" where numerous city states of Valamo and a few of the larger states participated in a conflict, and the Kingdom of Goregiya was formed. Following this, a few conflicts between it and its neighbors would occur, but it'd stay independent until the formation of the somewhat-unified Kingdom of Valamo. During the Commune's rule, the city was turned into a industrial city, and remained that way until the 60s. Nowadays, the city has issues with crime, and corruption in its stationed police force, but it still garners some interest

Also, heres the painting by Bohdan Juntunen, with the title of the painting called, "Sinking of the VIK Baranovsky, 1807" The VIK Baranovsky was a warship that was originally constructed by a Valamic Kingdom. Upon it being put in service; it put alot of fears for its neighbors that weren't landlocked, due to fears over conflict between the two. Unfortunately, later on, the ship was sunk during a storm, and it pretty much damaged the pride of the kingdom, and was later annexed into a neighboring kingdom.

Picture of the VbTz.61A3, which was designed and put in service in 1996. It hasn't seen much conflict due to it being recently made, but there are currently 10 of these tanks, and there are no plans to remove it from service.

Thursday -
Well, here's the official flag of the new "National Republic of Valamo". From the flag law - "The official flag of National Republic of Valamo is a Blue-white-red tricolor, with a yellow canton and the nations coat of arms in the canton."

Lesser Coat of arms of the National Republic of Valamo

Friday -
Saturday -