It is I, king of the Blessed Corn, the nightmare of Paleo dieters, Dreamersistan!
I am proud to be the new TEP Ambassador to the TNP, and hope we shall enjoy many [strike]minutes[/strikes] years of happy correspondence
I present to you, the latest news from your neighbors in the East...
By Bachtendekuppen, 8 July 2019
Opinion: Times Are Turbulent, But the East Will Prevail
These are turbulent times in The East Pacific. Whether or not known by most Citizens and Residents, quite some people in the wider NS Gameplay community have voiced harsh criticisms against our region and some of the people in our government. These criticisms mostly evolve around a perceived weakening of our institutions, and the active involvement in The East Pacific of notable personalities like Aleister, Funkadelia, Davelands, even Fedele himself. These are people with a history in NS that, depending on who you ask, is questionable at best.
The East Pacific has known harsh times. Yuno’s exit left the region with a lot of questions and rather divided. The Executive administration was in chaos, the Conclave was inactive, and the Magisterium was left dry after months of strict rule by ex-Provost and now-banned Citizen, Drachen. Fedele stepped up. For all criticisms one, inside or outside of The East Pacific, might have, he took on a heavy burden to restore the regional government.
Progress has been slow. The Executive still needs more effective ministries, better staffing, and new plans. Slowly, but surely, things are getting better. The Magisterium has revived - in the last week alone, three new Magisters were accepted, and several major discussions concerning reforms of Citizenship, ministries, Regional Officers, its own Standing Orders, and the Concordat have been launched. Debates are simultaneously ongoing. Even the Conclave has seen more cases in the latest few weeks than in the entire year before.
The East Pacific is certainly a curious region - many, maybe even most, in the wider Gameplay world don’t understand it until they’ve been here for a while. It has a unique quality to conquer people. To make them stay and get involved even if they didn’t expect to do so. To accept players with a history, and give them a chance for a new beginning. A new home. To belong. We should cherish that. We should celebrate our unique history, Citizens, our culture, and our openness. Some might think it naïve, but it is also a strength.
While these are turbulent times, there is no need to panic. Not for TEPers, and not for the wider NS Gameplay community. The democratic institutions of The East Pacific have stood like a rock since 2009 and, even if it should ever find itself in such a storm again, its community shall rise to the challenge. A new A Slanted Black Stripe will always stand up for us, and the East will always prevail.
Today, The East Pacific is booming. I see a lot of people, with all kinds of histories and backgrounds, who care for our region. Who bring to the table what they can. Who are driven to bring the East to new heights. And we can. Together.
By Llorenian Isles, 30 June 2019
New Members to Join Magisterium as Standing Orders Debate Gets Fiery
In quick succession from 23 to 25 June, East Malaysia, Aleister, and Libertanny all applied to join the Magisterium. This rapid change was an uplifting turn of events for a Magisterium at only six members currently, but their application discussion threads quickly descended into some heated debate over their history and track record of activity.
East Malaysia, arguably the least controversial of the three, is a long-timer in the region. They justified joining the Magisterium by saying that they "felt that by joining that it could help mend the lack of roleplayers in regional government by leading by example." All six Magisters voted in favour of them joining the legislature, and so their application has been easily accepted.
Aleister's application, contrastingly, has been significantly more controversial. The main disputes have been over their leadership of Lazarus more than a year ago during the 'Khanate', with Tim Stark describing that as having "burned the whole place down," as well as their only recent activity in The East Pacific. However, they justified themselves by saying that they weren't apologetic for their involvement there, and that there are "certainly those with opinions surrounding the Lazarus situation that seek to portray the events inaccurately and most are perpetuated by the individuals who sought to undermine it at that time." While Tim Stark was pleased with this response, Marrabuk took issue with the fact that "having you join the Magisterium so soon [...] is too fast. It'll be very easy for the outside world to use this and smear TEP more for harboring controversial individuals." In the vote on their application, 4 were in favour (Tim Stark, Davelands, Todd McCloud, Bachtendekuppen), 1 abstained (Brotherland), and 1 voted against (Marrabuk), meaning that they reached a majority and will be accepted as a new Magister.
Libertanny too has attracted concern, particularly from Tim Stark, who identified a cycle of rage-quitting and re-joining the region, questioning their commitment to and collaboration within the Magisterium. They explained their actions, stating, "although I had better moments in my NS career, I am fully aware of the mistakes I have committed and I have publicly said that leaving TEP and creating all of the situation [sic] about the ragequit was a big mistake." Their vote of admission was particularly narrow, with 3 in favour (Davelands, Todd McCloud, Bachtendekuppen) and 2 voting against (Tim Stark, Marrabuk), but Brotherland's abstention reduced the majority threshold to 3 and so they will be admitted as the third new Magister.
With these three new additions to the Magisterium, debate is expected to further ramp up on an already heated discussion on the Standing Orders of the legislature. With over 50 posts already in the thread, Delegate Fedele decided to intervene and label the Magisters a "brood of vipers" for their "assaults [on] new applicants unless they have been here at least 10 years." Those comments were met with scorn by the likes of Deputy Provost Bachtendekuppen, Arbiter Zukchiva, and Magister Todd McCloud, the first of whom said that the remarks were "wholly inappropriate and insulting" and that "this is a new low between Delegate and Magisterium."
This conflict of words appears to have exploited growing divisions over what should be required of a prospective Magister in their application, with views ranging from stringent requirements like previous government experience and a minimum number of RMB or forum posts, whereas others have argued for more flexible measures that give the power to the Magisterium to decide on quality applicants. Whether a consensus can be reached on just about anything remains in question.
By Llorenian Isles, 20 June 2019
Fedele Given Comfortable Mandate, But Procedural Complaint Arises
The incumbent Delegate of The East Pacific, Fedele, has been comfortably re-elected with exactly 50% of primary votes in the June 2019 election. However, it took the elimination of opponents McStooley, East Malaysia, and Marrabuk before they were able to creep over into a majority in the fourth round. This final count saw Fedele on 19 (56%), Bachtendekuppen on 9 (24%), and Todd McCloud on 6 (18%). Head-to-head with their closest opponent, the numbers suggest Fedele would have gained 21 (66%) votes compared to Bachtendekuppen's 11 (34%), a mandate almost identical to their results in the previous two elections.
However, the state of the election has been thrown into question by Todd McCloud, who submitted an official election complaint on June 13 concerning three matters - the original exclusion of McStooley on the ballot, the inclusion of Davelands on the ballot despite them dropping out before the commencement of voting, and the failure to conduct a proper audit by the Viceroy, which resulted in a handful of ineligible votes being tallied in the final count. The move does not appear to be politically motivated, however, with them openly admitting that, considering the margin of their loss, "I'm positive I'd lose no matter what the outcome, and I'm cool with that - but I do worry about precedent."
It didn't seem completely clear what the outcome of this situation would be, but Viceroy Hobbesistan appointed Arbiter Aelitia "to independently review the results on behalf of the Electoral Commission." They formally advised the Viceroy "to conclude the election, discount any votes which are not made by residents, and allow challenges brought to the EleCom [Electoral Commission]." With the election now certified as complete and all complaints dropped, Fedele will continue to rule the region as Delegate, looking set to complete a full year in office by the turn of the next election in October this year.
By Llorenian Isles, 7 June 2019
Fedele Seeks Re-Election as Field Reaches Record Numbers
The quarterly Delegate election for June 2019 began on the 4th, with Arbiter Zukchiva opening nominations in lieu of the Viceroy. The opening days have seen a flurry of candidates picked by their peers for the highest office of government in the region, though they will each face stern competition against the incumbent, Fedele, who is running for re-election.
Currently, in addition to them, Bachtendekuppen, Davelands, Marrabuk, and East Malaysia are formally running, while Zukchiva, Pakitsk, and Wallenburg have turned down a punt at the Delegacy. Another eight candidates are yet to state whether they will accept their nominations, which could push numbers well into double digits.
After some extensive searching through the archives of elections past, dating back over an entire decade, this writer has found that this election will probably have the most candidates ever. This amazing feat is hopefully a sign of renewed interest in the Magisterium as it drops to low numbers.
Fedele has been the Delegate since the October 2018 election, where they received 68% of the vote, being re-elected in February 2019 with coincidentally the same percentage. After eight months of #Fedelegate, will TEP want change? In less than one week, we will know the answer to that question.
By Llorenian Isles, 23 May 2019
ASBS Resigns as Vizier, Bach Appointed Deputy Provost
Regional stalwart A Slanted Black Stripe has been praised as a "premier member of the region" and for putting it on "a path toward self-governance" after resigning as a Vizier of the region. They will, however, remain a citizen and have promised to "still be around, but not as regularly or consistently". This comes just over a week after they were inducted into the Hall of Heroes, and will now leave only four Viziers in Aelitia, Todd McCloud, Bachtendekuppen, and Hobbesistan.
In separate news, newly elected Interim Provost Davelands has appointed Bachtendekuppen as their deputy in the Magisterium. The two were the only candidates for Provost after the former holder of the position, Zukchiva, switched to the Conclave, with one vote being the difference. The main discussion appears to be focusing on updating the Magisterium's Standing Orders, and it is hoped that more Magisters will join the current six in the future to pick up activity in the legislature.
I am proud to be the new TEP Ambassador to the TNP, and hope we shall enjoy many [strike]minutes[/strikes] years of happy correspondence
I present to you, the latest news from your neighbors in the East...

By Bachtendekuppen, 8 July 2019
Opinion: Times Are Turbulent, But the East Will Prevail
These are turbulent times in The East Pacific. Whether or not known by most Citizens and Residents, quite some people in the wider NS Gameplay community have voiced harsh criticisms against our region and some of the people in our government. These criticisms mostly evolve around a perceived weakening of our institutions, and the active involvement in The East Pacific of notable personalities like Aleister, Funkadelia, Davelands, even Fedele himself. These are people with a history in NS that, depending on who you ask, is questionable at best.
The East Pacific has known harsh times. Yuno’s exit left the region with a lot of questions and rather divided. The Executive administration was in chaos, the Conclave was inactive, and the Magisterium was left dry after months of strict rule by ex-Provost and now-banned Citizen, Drachen. Fedele stepped up. For all criticisms one, inside or outside of The East Pacific, might have, he took on a heavy burden to restore the regional government.
Progress has been slow. The Executive still needs more effective ministries, better staffing, and new plans. Slowly, but surely, things are getting better. The Magisterium has revived - in the last week alone, three new Magisters were accepted, and several major discussions concerning reforms of Citizenship, ministries, Regional Officers, its own Standing Orders, and the Concordat have been launched. Debates are simultaneously ongoing. Even the Conclave has seen more cases in the latest few weeks than in the entire year before.
The East Pacific is certainly a curious region - many, maybe even most, in the wider Gameplay world don’t understand it until they’ve been here for a while. It has a unique quality to conquer people. To make them stay and get involved even if they didn’t expect to do so. To accept players with a history, and give them a chance for a new beginning. A new home. To belong. We should cherish that. We should celebrate our unique history, Citizens, our culture, and our openness. Some might think it naïve, but it is also a strength.
While these are turbulent times, there is no need to panic. Not for TEPers, and not for the wider NS Gameplay community. The democratic institutions of The East Pacific have stood like a rock since 2009 and, even if it should ever find itself in such a storm again, its community shall rise to the challenge. A new A Slanted Black Stripe will always stand up for us, and the East will always prevail.
Today, The East Pacific is booming. I see a lot of people, with all kinds of histories and backgrounds, who care for our region. Who bring to the table what they can. Who are driven to bring the East to new heights. And we can. Together.
By Llorenian Isles, 30 June 2019
New Members to Join Magisterium as Standing Orders Debate Gets Fiery
In quick succession from 23 to 25 June, East Malaysia, Aleister, and Libertanny all applied to join the Magisterium. This rapid change was an uplifting turn of events for a Magisterium at only six members currently, but their application discussion threads quickly descended into some heated debate over their history and track record of activity.
East Malaysia, arguably the least controversial of the three, is a long-timer in the region. They justified joining the Magisterium by saying that they "felt that by joining that it could help mend the lack of roleplayers in regional government by leading by example." All six Magisters voted in favour of them joining the legislature, and so their application has been easily accepted.
Aleister's application, contrastingly, has been significantly more controversial. The main disputes have been over their leadership of Lazarus more than a year ago during the 'Khanate', with Tim Stark describing that as having "burned the whole place down," as well as their only recent activity in The East Pacific. However, they justified themselves by saying that they weren't apologetic for their involvement there, and that there are "certainly those with opinions surrounding the Lazarus situation that seek to portray the events inaccurately and most are perpetuated by the individuals who sought to undermine it at that time." While Tim Stark was pleased with this response, Marrabuk took issue with the fact that "having you join the Magisterium so soon [...] is too fast. It'll be very easy for the outside world to use this and smear TEP more for harboring controversial individuals." In the vote on their application, 4 were in favour (Tim Stark, Davelands, Todd McCloud, Bachtendekuppen), 1 abstained (Brotherland), and 1 voted against (Marrabuk), meaning that they reached a majority and will be accepted as a new Magister.
Libertanny too has attracted concern, particularly from Tim Stark, who identified a cycle of rage-quitting and re-joining the region, questioning their commitment to and collaboration within the Magisterium. They explained their actions, stating, "although I had better moments in my NS career, I am fully aware of the mistakes I have committed and I have publicly said that leaving TEP and creating all of the situation [sic] about the ragequit was a big mistake." Their vote of admission was particularly narrow, with 3 in favour (Davelands, Todd McCloud, Bachtendekuppen) and 2 voting against (Tim Stark, Marrabuk), but Brotherland's abstention reduced the majority threshold to 3 and so they will be admitted as the third new Magister.
With these three new additions to the Magisterium, debate is expected to further ramp up on an already heated discussion on the Standing Orders of the legislature. With over 50 posts already in the thread, Delegate Fedele decided to intervene and label the Magisters a "brood of vipers" for their "assaults [on] new applicants unless they have been here at least 10 years." Those comments were met with scorn by the likes of Deputy Provost Bachtendekuppen, Arbiter Zukchiva, and Magister Todd McCloud, the first of whom said that the remarks were "wholly inappropriate and insulting" and that "this is a new low between Delegate and Magisterium."
This conflict of words appears to have exploited growing divisions over what should be required of a prospective Magister in their application, with views ranging from stringent requirements like previous government experience and a minimum number of RMB or forum posts, whereas others have argued for more flexible measures that give the power to the Magisterium to decide on quality applicants. Whether a consensus can be reached on just about anything remains in question.
By Llorenian Isles, 20 June 2019
Fedele Given Comfortable Mandate, But Procedural Complaint Arises
The incumbent Delegate of The East Pacific, Fedele, has been comfortably re-elected with exactly 50% of primary votes in the June 2019 election. However, it took the elimination of opponents McStooley, East Malaysia, and Marrabuk before they were able to creep over into a majority in the fourth round. This final count saw Fedele on 19 (56%), Bachtendekuppen on 9 (24%), and Todd McCloud on 6 (18%). Head-to-head with their closest opponent, the numbers suggest Fedele would have gained 21 (66%) votes compared to Bachtendekuppen's 11 (34%), a mandate almost identical to their results in the previous two elections.
However, the state of the election has been thrown into question by Todd McCloud, who submitted an official election complaint on June 13 concerning three matters - the original exclusion of McStooley on the ballot, the inclusion of Davelands on the ballot despite them dropping out before the commencement of voting, and the failure to conduct a proper audit by the Viceroy, which resulted in a handful of ineligible votes being tallied in the final count. The move does not appear to be politically motivated, however, with them openly admitting that, considering the margin of their loss, "I'm positive I'd lose no matter what the outcome, and I'm cool with that - but I do worry about precedent."
It didn't seem completely clear what the outcome of this situation would be, but Viceroy Hobbesistan appointed Arbiter Aelitia "to independently review the results on behalf of the Electoral Commission." They formally advised the Viceroy "to conclude the election, discount any votes which are not made by residents, and allow challenges brought to the EleCom [Electoral Commission]." With the election now certified as complete and all complaints dropped, Fedele will continue to rule the region as Delegate, looking set to complete a full year in office by the turn of the next election in October this year.
By Llorenian Isles, 7 June 2019
Fedele Seeks Re-Election as Field Reaches Record Numbers
The quarterly Delegate election for June 2019 began on the 4th, with Arbiter Zukchiva opening nominations in lieu of the Viceroy. The opening days have seen a flurry of candidates picked by their peers for the highest office of government in the region, though they will each face stern competition against the incumbent, Fedele, who is running for re-election.
Currently, in addition to them, Bachtendekuppen, Davelands, Marrabuk, and East Malaysia are formally running, while Zukchiva, Pakitsk, and Wallenburg have turned down a punt at the Delegacy. Another eight candidates are yet to state whether they will accept their nominations, which could push numbers well into double digits.
After some extensive searching through the archives of elections past, dating back over an entire decade, this writer has found that this election will probably have the most candidates ever. This amazing feat is hopefully a sign of renewed interest in the Magisterium as it drops to low numbers.
Fedele has been the Delegate since the October 2018 election, where they received 68% of the vote, being re-elected in February 2019 with coincidentally the same percentage. After eight months of #Fedelegate, will TEP want change? In less than one week, we will know the answer to that question.
By Llorenian Isles, 23 May 2019
ASBS Resigns as Vizier, Bach Appointed Deputy Provost
Regional stalwart A Slanted Black Stripe has been praised as a "premier member of the region" and for putting it on "a path toward self-governance" after resigning as a Vizier of the region. They will, however, remain a citizen and have promised to "still be around, but not as regularly or consistently". This comes just over a week after they were inducted into the Hall of Heroes, and will now leave only four Viziers in Aelitia, Todd McCloud, Bachtendekuppen, and Hobbesistan.
In separate news, newly elected Interim Provost Davelands has appointed Bachtendekuppen as their deputy in the Magisterium. The two were the only candidates for Provost after the former holder of the position, Zukchiva, switched to the Conclave, with one vote being the difference. The main discussion appears to be focusing on updating the Magisterium's Standing Orders, and it is hoped that more Magisters will join the current six in the future to pick up activity in the legislature.