Scripted TG: Recruitment from other regions

El Fiji Grande

Over 45000 km and counting
TNP Nation
El Fiji Grande (#3446)
Each of the scripted telegrams are in need of an update. Some contain large inaccuracies, whereas others could make better use of spoilers and include references to new programs that might help newcomers become more involved. As such, I'm asking Home Affairs to draft new versions of these telegrams as part of an effort to comprehensively update each of our scripted telegrams. Thanks for your help. If you have any questions, feel free to ask me!
[b]Join [region]The North Pacific[/region], the most powerful region in the game![/b]

Hey there %NATION%! 

The choice of region you make will strongly affect your NS career. If becoming a world-class influential player is your career goal, then a small region such as your current one is probably not for you. Instead, I would invite you to move to the center stage of power in NationStates: [b][region]The North Pacific[/region][/b].

[b][region]The North Pacific[/region] is the most powerful region in the World Assembly (WA).[/b]
~ The Delegate of The North Pacific has by far the most endorsements in the game, and votes on resolutions as soon as they go to vote. Thanks to the lemming effect, this means that The North Pacific's early vote is one of the primary deciding factors for the fate of proposals at vote.
~ The regional vote is determined through polls in The North Pacific's offsite forum, and all WA nations in The North Pacific are able to vote there. This means that by having your WA nation in The North Pacific, you can strongly impact the outcome of all WA votes.
~ The North Pacific has one of the most active WA Ministries in the game. The WA Ministry determines how our more than 600 WA nations are asked to vote in resolutions - and most of them do as the Ministry suggests. By taking part, you can direct the vote of all these nations.

[b][region]The North Pacific[/region] has one of the strongest militaries in NationStates.[/b]
~ The North Pacific Army (NPA) can and regularly does field more than 20 units in operations of all kinds, raids and defenses, tags and detags, refoundings and liberations. This makes it by far the largest military among game-created regions, and one of the largest overall.
~ The NPA is deployed in a near constant basis, with missions every week. This makes it one of the most active militaries in the game.
~ The NPA has a strong network of allies and friends and frequently takes a lead position in joint operations with them. Together with our allies, our military coalition can mobilize more than 80 WA nations, as we have recently done during the conquest and refounding of the region Nazi Europe.

[b][region]The North Pacific[/region] has one of the strongest gameplay communities in NationStates.[/b]
~ Our offsite forum ( [b][/b] ) is consistently active, with by far the largest amount of daily posts among game-created regions, and one of the largest overall.
~ Our members include some of the best known players of NationStates. Delegates, regional leaders, military commanders, WA authors, game moderators, legislators, you can find them all in The North Pacific. By joining The North Pacific, you join the elite of NationStates.
~ There are a variety of activities you can take part in. You can roleplay, you can debate, you can discuss real-life, or you can just take part in our spam games. 

[b][region]The North Pacific[/region] is the strongest democracy in NationStates.[/b]
~ We have a robust and stable government system, with active political institutions. Our Executive, Legislature, and Judiciary are all among the most active and efficient in the game.
~ Democracy is the cornerstone of our system. All of our political institutions and offices subject to strong and effective democratic oversight. All of our members are guaranteed broad rights and have suffrage.
~ As a member of The North Pacific, you can participate in the government in many ways. You can immediately join the Legislature and Executive, vote for Delegate, Vice Delegate, Speaker, or Justice, or even run for these offices yourself.

What do you think? You can stay in the backwater of NationStates, or you can join the ocean of power, and take advantage of the vast resources and opportunities it offers to become one of the world's elite. The choice should be easy. I am looking forward to seeing you in [b][region]The North Pacific[/region][/b].

Delegate of [b][region]The North Pacific[/region][/b]
So, uh, this is a pretty long recruitment telegram, and it has a dispatch at the bottom that has the exact same thing.

Also, which nations are this telegram sent to? It seems to imply the nation is in a small UCR.
I'll be honest in that I'm not exactly sure. I think this is our retaliatory recruitment telegram, meaning it is sent to members of any region that has aggressively recruited from us.