His Majesty's Government
| The 38th Imperial Parliament | |
The Monarchy King: HRBM Henry IX Prince of Wales: HRBH Charles Prince Royal: Leopold Roth HM Civil Executive Government Prime Minister: Cameron M. Romefeller Deputy Prime Minister: Bailey Lucullus Norfolk-Stuart Home Secretary: Reece Saint-Pierre Foreign Secretary: Crushita Stuart-Telcontar Culture Secretary: Arthur Hanover-Stuart Roleplay Secretary: Artimedias Norfolk-Wesfalen Attorney General: Alistair Stuart Great Officers of State Principle Private Secretary: Alistair Stuart Lord Chamberlain: Henry Norfolk Lord Advocate: Juris Lancaster Captain General: Madeline Norfolk Director-General of MI5: Arnold T Lancaster-Stuart Supreme Court Lord Chief Justice: Owen Bonaparte Associate Justice: Jay Dee Bonaparte Associate Justice: Theodore Uchiha |
Kingdom of Great Britain
Regional Information Kiosk
Founded: August 18th, 2013
Ruling Family: The Royal House of Stuart
Regional Power: High
[/td]Regional Information Kiosk
Founded: August 18th, 2013
Ruling Family: The Royal House of Stuart
Regional Power: High
The House of Lords
Lord High Chancellor
His Royal Highness, the Prince of Wales
Lord High Chancellor
His Royal Highness, the Prince of Wales
His Royal Britannic Highness, The Prince of Wales
His Grace, The Duke of Clarence and Aquitaine
His Lordship, The Marquess of Ellesmere
His Lordship, The Marquess of Westminster
His Lordship, The Earl of Carlisle
His Lordship, The Earl of Peel
His Lordship, The Baron Brandon
The House of Commons
The Rt. Hon. Speaker
Alistair Stuart
The Rt. Hon. Speaker
Alistair Stuart
Crushita Stuart-Telcontar (ind) MP for Sault Ste Marie (Canada)
Arthur Hanover-Stuart (FEP) MP for Grey (Australia)
Artimedias Norfolk-Wesfalen (NLP) MP for Aberdeen North (Scotland)
Madeline Norfolk (BRP) MP for Dwyfor Meirionnydd (Wales)
William Rhys Lancaster (BRP) MP for Kingston upon Hull East (England)
Alistair Stuart (ind) MP for Dunedin (New Zealand)
Cameron M. Romefeller (NLP) MP for Cork South-Central (Ireland)
HM Government: No Organized Majority
HM Loyal Opposition: No Organized Opposition
Citizens' Assembly
Crown Delegate: HRH The Marquess of Ellesmere
Chairman: Richard Hamilton[/td]
Another Speaker Resigns After Showdown with CA ChairWritten by Edward Stuart
(LONDON- 14 MAY 2019) - Speaker Aelita Venzalor (IND- Carlow-Kilkenny) has resigned from the Speaker’s Chair and her Irish seat, citing her acceptance of “the office of the Stewardship of the Manor of Northstead” and that she “no longer has the passion for the work that [she] did when [she] came in” to the region. The resignation was announced after a series of controversy between her and the Assembly Chairwoman and her allies in the House of Commons.
The conflict began after two separate proposals related to the Mock Parliament Act were drafted in the Commons and Assembly. The House shortly issued a summons to allow the Chairwoman to discuss the legislation with the rest of the MPs to build a proposal, but the summons was rejected. After the Crown Delegate and Assembly Chairwoman refused to comply with the summons issued by the Speaker on behalf of the Commons, believing the summons to be “unnecessary”. In response to the refusal, Venzalor and Deputy Speaker Arthur Grey (FEP-Grey) issued a joint statement expressing concern over the constitutionality of the Mock Parliament Act with the popular initiative clause of the Constitution, and stated that all proposals will be ignored. Venzalor was later overheard saying to a colleague that “the Chair refusing a summons of the Commons on matters related to the Assembly serious flouts our authority” and that she “will not present any governance law passed by the CA given the circumstances”.
During a press conference with Prime Minister Henry Norfolk, the BBC asked about his views on the joint statement:
”I was extremely disappointed in the statement released by the Speaker and Deputy Speaker of the House. There are various ways to handle disagreements and squabbles and that statement was in my view clearly not the proper one. As the regional Parliament, it is our duty to work with the Citizen’s Assembly on matters that affect it, after all, it is composed of our regional citizens, the people who we answer to and are held accountable to. In regards to the statement by the Father of the House, I believe he laid out the perfect way forward. Together as MPs we must listen to those who post comments in the Strangers Gallery and work together as one region to create the progress we wish to see.”
Frustrated with the conflict between the lower House of Commons and Citizens’ Assembly, a resolution of intent to block all legislation related to the CA from the two bodies was proposed by Lord Carlisle, who is Speaker Venzalor’s predecessor. The resolution expressed discouragement and concern over the impasse between the Speaker and Chairwoman and recognized that Parliament can make changes to the Mock Parliament Act “as it sees fit”, but emphasized that the propriety of making changes with the consultation of the Assembly must be regulated by “social convention”. The resolution would have forced the Commons and Chairwoman to work together by blocking legislation related to the assembly until a consensus proposal was made between the entities, and there was even consideration to block any legislation altogether until the issue of the CA was resolved. During the discussion, the Marquess of Westminster and Lord Advocate Juris Lancaster reviewed and corrected the constitutional concerns from the joint statement. The resolution would have likely passed, but Lord Carlisle withdrew the resolution for the time being.
After the release of the joint statement, Alistair Stuart (FEP-Paris), who is considered one of Chairwoman Norfolk’s allies in the Commons, released his own statement lamenting that the Commons “has been a state of rapid decline” since the rise of Venzalor after resignation of former Speaker Edward Stuart; and bemoaned the “lack of legal understanding” from the Speaker, and that the Lords had “lost faith” through its proposed resolution in the “laughing stock” Commons to perform well for its constituents.
“The MP for Paris seems to be trying to imply that we lost faith in the Commons solely because of the Speaker,” one anonymous Lord told the BBC, “The conflict is shared with the Chairwoman and other MPs including himself, so Alistair has no room to blame the Speaker. He doesn’t speak for us.”
The BBC was also able to reach out to the Speaker and her Deputy. Deputy Speaker Grey told the BBC that the entire situation has been “overblown and overstated from the beginning”. When the BBC reached out to the Speaker about the statement and its timing, she told us that her and the Deputy Speaker “took the best action we could with the information we had” and that the step was necessary after the Chairwoman “refused to come to the table”; the BBC has also verified that the statement was the Deputy Speaker’s idea.
Before Venzalor’s resignation, the Assembly passed a repeal and replace bill to the Speaker’s Office, in which the Chairwoman thanked the MPs of Paris and Grey for assisting in the discussions. With the Irish seat now filled by Reece Saint-Pierre and the Chairwoman now having an ally in Alistair Stuart as the new Speaker, the Citizens’ Assembly Act is seen as a consensus proposal between the Chair and the Commons and is set to pass the House. However, after the discussions of repealing the Citizens’ Mock Parliament Act altogether, some Lords are expected to amend the legislation to remove Governance Laws from the Assembly’s purview when it reaches the upper House.
The Royals' Busy Easter WeekendWritten by Edward Stuart(EDINBURGH- 22 APRIL 2019) - This weekend was a busy one for the King and members of the Royal Family. The aging King Henry IX made a rare public appearance Saturday for a visit to the Ministry for Culture, Media, and Sport in London, where he was greeted by Culture Secretary Arthur Grey, MP for Grey. His Majesty did not make any remarks to the media waiting outside per royal protocol, but a spokesperson for the Culture Secretary told the BBC "His Majesty was very interested in the operations of the Regional Roleplay Committee and the Easter festival planning with the NS United Kingdom and congratulated the Secretary for his excellent work so far."
On Sunday, His Majesty was joined by various members of the Royal Family for the Easter Service at St. Margaret's Chapel in Edinburgh. The Prince of Wales, Prince Royal, Duke of Clarence and Aquitaine, Marquess of Westminster, and Earl of Carlisle were able to get away from the House of Lords business in London to join the King in listening to the Easter message of Archbishop of Canterbury Albert Stuart. The Royal Regiment of Scotland and a Celtic singer treated the royals and the waiting crowd to a rendition of Mo Ghile Mear and Auld Lang Syne outside of the chapel. Built under the reign of King David I of Scotland in the 12th century, the tiny chapel is one of the oldest surviving buildings in Edinburgh on the site of the Castle. The Royal Family recently committed £1.2 million to its renovation after it fell to disuse, and they intend to use the chapel during their visits to Scotland in recognition of the historic Scottish roots of the Royal House of Stuart.
The royals spent their Easter holiday in the historic Edinburgh Castle, some of which had to leave late Sunday evening after the family dinner in order to make it back to London for official business.
Mock Parliament NewsWritten by Madeline NorfolkAfter the election of Madeline Norfolk as Assembly Chair, we experienced different energy coming from the Assembly. This energy resulted in 10 bills being discussed in the Assembly. Within those 10 bills, some received assent, others were denied assent, and others failed at the vote. We averaged between 5 and 10 people voting on the proposals, which is the highest average we have seen at least within the last year.
The Assembly, however, was not without controversy as disagreement regarding the Assembly ensued between the Chair and the then Speaker of the House of Commons.
In the end, Commons worked with the Assembly in pushing a governance bill to Commons, which has since been waiting for deliberation by the House of Lords.
The most anticipated assented bills include the bills on residencies and businesses. Another highly anticipated bill included a shoe-throwing budget for the Chair, which was denied assent due to the Crown Delegate not receiving funds in said bill.
With elections at a close and a new chair chosen, only time will tell if the Assembly will continue with activity and bills.
Less Aggressive PactsWritten by Crushita Telcontar StuartOn March 21st, 2019, King Henry signed into law the Pact of Non-Aggression between The Kingdom of Great Britain and United Kingdom, starting a new era for foreign relations in the KGB. This Pact, which is the first agreement to be signed between KoGB and another British region since over a year ago when a treaty with The Britannian Kingdom was signed into law. Further relations between the UK and KoGB are projected to occur within the next few months as both regions prepare for their respective new governments.
The Pact was quickly followed up an Easter Festival which brought much merriment and joy to both sides. With our outgoing PM, Henry Norfolk now serving as the PM of United Kingdom there is sure to be more cooperation in the future. A toast to our friends in UK!
This concludes the Kingdom of Great Britain's belated May update, stay tuned for the post election update with details on our new Government, new Parliament, and new citizenship opportunities!