- TNP Nation
- Ethnon
- Discord
- Marcus Antonius #8887
This is the amended Charter that is in current use. The Preamble was composed by Marcus Antonius and the remaining Charter was composed by Artemis and Marcus Antonius. This Charter was approved unanimously by the TNPU Council 6 'aye' to 0 'nay' votes on the 22nd October 2019.
Since 2012, The North Pacific University took upon the role of education and sharing of information, whether it be in an informal or formal fashion, to the Region. This has been utilized as an integral part of the gameplay, roleplay and cultural community. Humanity has shown itself to desire information and an understanding of complex topics. This led The North Pacific to create TNPU in the first instance.
On a regional scale; the dramatic and complex nature of the game’s politics and gameplay can often leave players lost. That is why TNPU can and should be used to help players in our great Region, understand in-game and real life issues.
The North Pacific University is used for the sharing of information in any media format.
Thus, the following Charter outlines the system of a neutral University designed to provide free information and arts to as many players as possible.
It is in that spirit of free knowledge and information that the following Charter is hereby enacted:
Chapter I - The University
(1) A non-political organization is hereby established, to be referred to as “The University” in this Charter, whose purpose shall be to provide lectures, edit and publish research, sponsor debates, and offer a place of learning for residents of the North Pacific and to residents of other regions of NationStates. The University shall be governed by the Council, with the specific structure defined in this charter.
(2) The University may also be legally referred to as “The North Pacific University”.
(3) The University may be branded as “TNPU”, and all subsidiary organisations’ branding, and other branding, shall be decided by the Council and any applicable departments.
(4) The University shall reside on the forums of the NationStates region of the North Pacific. Content may be distributed through the forums, dispatches, telegrams, or any other form the Council and its officers feel is required.
Chapter II - Leadership and Governance
The Council and the Chancellor
(2) The University shall, excluding provisions of this Charter, be led by a principal executive and policy-making body known as “The Council”. The Council shall hold the power to define overall policy, appoint and dismiss members of the Executive Staff, review complaints and resolve disputes regarding the interpretation of this Charter. It shall be composed of six members:
(a) Three members permanently appointed by the Council, and who may be removed by said body,
(b) Three members appointed by the Council when an opening arises.
(c) The University Council (excluding the Chancellor) is responsible for the nomination of a Chancellor. This nomination shall be submitted to the Delegate who then may confirm or reject the nomination after discussion with The Council. The term of the Chancellor shall not be vacated until a confirmation from the delegate has been reached.
(i) The Chancellor may resign their position through written notice to the Council, which shall take effect 24 hours after being sent, if not withdrawn during that window.
(3) The Officers of the Council shall consist of the following
(a) Chairman of the Council - Position that is concurrently held by the Chancellor
(b) Vice-Chairman of the Council - The Vice-Chair shall assist the Chairman in administering the business of the Council, and shall chair meetings in the absence of the Chair.
(c) Secretary of the Council - The Secretary shall distribute all materials for board meetings, update University Policies as needed, and distribute any material to the public on behalf of the Council.
(4) The Council shall meet as and when required in the TNPU Council Chambers when requested to do so.
If the council member does not attend when requested on three consecutive occasions they will be deemed as no longer being a Member of the Council.
(5) The Chancellor may make suggestions to the Council about the appointment and dismissal of members of the Executive Staff. They may also provisionally suspend and appoint staff in between meetings of the Council, which must be affirmed by the Council to become permanent. The Chancellor may also deal with complaints levied against the University provisionally, to be discussed at the next meeting of the Council.
(i) In the event that a member of staff is a member of the Council, they shall have their voting rights suspended on any votes regarding their status.
(6) Dismissal of the Chancellor shall require a seventy-percent affirmative vote by the Council, and may only be initiated at the behest of at least four Council Members.
(7) A Council Member may have their membership suspended at the behest of three other council members, with the agreement of the Chancellor.
(8) Council Members appointed at the behest of the Chancellor may be suspended with the support of the Council and shall lose their seat if approved by the Council. No approval by the other Council Members is required.
(9) Any Council Member may resign their seat through a written notice to the Chancellor. Council Members appointed at the behest of the Chancellor shall be replaced in the same method as they are appointed.
Executive Staff of the University
(10) All members of the executive staff, as defined by the Chancellor, shall compose the “Executive Staff to the Chancellor” (‘Executive Staff’) of the University. The Executive Staff shall discuss all relevant topics that affect the daily functioning and running of the University and implementation of Council Policy.
(11) The following positions shall always exist and be present in the Executive Staff. Others may exist, as provisioned for by the Council and the Chancellor. Members of the Executive Staff may hold multiple positions at once, including the Chancellor. If any position falls vacant, and no replacement can be found, then the Chancellor shall perform the duties of the position until a replacement can be found.
(a) Chancellor: Chief Executive Officer of the University, head of the Council.
(b] Vice-Chancellor: To oversee general operations of the University, and serve as Chief of Staff to the Chancellor and secretary to the Council.
(i) Decisions of the Vice-Chancellor shall supersede that of all other executive positions (besides decisions of the Chancellor) in the case of conflict. Such disputes may be appealed to the Council if required.
(c) Pro-Vice-Chancellors for each College: Oversee each College of the University and provide leadership and guidance under policy and directive established by the Council and the Chancellor. Responsible for the hiring and firing of Department Heads and other staff of their respective college.
(i)Terms of Reference for Divisional Heads - They are to assist the Chancellor in his duties of office. They are to act in a manner similar to that of a Deputy Minister in service to a Government Minister. They are to welcome new submitters and encourage new and existing submitters to submit more articles. Divisional Heads must report to the Chancellor any matters that require Moderation. The Divisional Heads will hold the minimum rank of Pro-Vice Chancellor.
(d) Directors: To oversee specific portfolios as defined in the appointment by the Council.
(12) Voting in Council - If voting is required there must be a quorum present, headed by the Chairman or Vice-Chairman with the Secretary present.
(a) A majority Council quorum must consist of at least 2 Officers and Members to form a majority.
(b) In the event of a tied vote, the Chairman may cast another vote in addition to his initial vote.
Chapter III - Charter
(1) This Charter shall be the supreme governing instrument of The University and shall take primacy in conflicts or disputes.
(2) This Charter shall be interpreted by the Council when required.
(3) This Charter may be amended with the approval of two-thirds of the Council.
(4) With the suspension of any section(s) by the Chancellor in the case of urgent action being required, that decision being approved by a majority of the Council.
(5) The section(s) shall be restored if the suspension is not renewed every 14 days by the Council, or the section(s) suspended are not subsequently amended under the terms of (a), to rectify whichever pressing issue required the original suspension.
(6) The chapter dealing with amendments to the Charter shall not be subject to the conditions of 3(b) and may only be amended according to the conditions of 3(a).[/b]

"sequere Polaris"
The Charter
The North Pacific University
Amended on 1 November 2019
The North Pacific University
Amended on 1 November 2019
Since 2012, The North Pacific University took upon the role of education and sharing of information, whether it be in an informal or formal fashion, to the Region. This has been utilized as an integral part of the gameplay, roleplay and cultural community. Humanity has shown itself to desire information and an understanding of complex topics. This led The North Pacific to create TNPU in the first instance.
On a regional scale; the dramatic and complex nature of the game’s politics and gameplay can often leave players lost. That is why TNPU can and should be used to help players in our great Region, understand in-game and real life issues.
The North Pacific University is used for the sharing of information in any media format.
Thus, the following Charter outlines the system of a neutral University designed to provide free information and arts to as many players as possible.
It is in that spirit of free knowledge and information that the following Charter is hereby enacted:
Chapter I - The University
(1) A non-political organization is hereby established, to be referred to as “The University” in this Charter, whose purpose shall be to provide lectures, edit and publish research, sponsor debates, and offer a place of learning for residents of the North Pacific and to residents of other regions of NationStates. The University shall be governed by the Council, with the specific structure defined in this charter.
(2) The University may also be legally referred to as “The North Pacific University”.
(3) The University may be branded as “TNPU”, and all subsidiary organisations’ branding, and other branding, shall be decided by the Council and any applicable departments.
(4) The University shall reside on the forums of the NationStates region of the North Pacific. Content may be distributed through the forums, dispatches, telegrams, or any other form the Council and its officers feel is required.
Chapter II - Leadership and Governance
The Council and the Chancellor
(2) The University shall, excluding provisions of this Charter, be led by a principal executive and policy-making body known as “The Council”. The Council shall hold the power to define overall policy, appoint and dismiss members of the Executive Staff, review complaints and resolve disputes regarding the interpretation of this Charter. It shall be composed of six members:
(a) Three members permanently appointed by the Council, and who may be removed by said body,
(b) Three members appointed by the Council when an opening arises.
(c) The University Council (excluding the Chancellor) is responsible for the nomination of a Chancellor. This nomination shall be submitted to the Delegate who then may confirm or reject the nomination after discussion with The Council. The term of the Chancellor shall not be vacated until a confirmation from the delegate has been reached.
(i) The Chancellor may resign their position through written notice to the Council, which shall take effect 24 hours after being sent, if not withdrawn during that window.
(3) The Officers of the Council shall consist of the following
(a) Chairman of the Council - Position that is concurrently held by the Chancellor
(b) Vice-Chairman of the Council - The Vice-Chair shall assist the Chairman in administering the business of the Council, and shall chair meetings in the absence of the Chair.
(c) Secretary of the Council - The Secretary shall distribute all materials for board meetings, update University Policies as needed, and distribute any material to the public on behalf of the Council.
(4) The Council shall meet as and when required in the TNPU Council Chambers when requested to do so.
If the council member does not attend when requested on three consecutive occasions they will be deemed as no longer being a Member of the Council.
(5) The Chancellor may make suggestions to the Council about the appointment and dismissal of members of the Executive Staff. They may also provisionally suspend and appoint staff in between meetings of the Council, which must be affirmed by the Council to become permanent. The Chancellor may also deal with complaints levied against the University provisionally, to be discussed at the next meeting of the Council.
(i) In the event that a member of staff is a member of the Council, they shall have their voting rights suspended on any votes regarding their status.
(6) Dismissal of the Chancellor shall require a seventy-percent affirmative vote by the Council, and may only be initiated at the behest of at least four Council Members.
(7) A Council Member may have their membership suspended at the behest of three other council members, with the agreement of the Chancellor.
(8) Council Members appointed at the behest of the Chancellor may be suspended with the support of the Council and shall lose their seat if approved by the Council. No approval by the other Council Members is required.
(9) Any Council Member may resign their seat through a written notice to the Chancellor. Council Members appointed at the behest of the Chancellor shall be replaced in the same method as they are appointed.
Executive Staff of the University
(10) All members of the executive staff, as defined by the Chancellor, shall compose the “Executive Staff to the Chancellor” (‘Executive Staff’) of the University. The Executive Staff shall discuss all relevant topics that affect the daily functioning and running of the University and implementation of Council Policy.
(11) The following positions shall always exist and be present in the Executive Staff. Others may exist, as provisioned for by the Council and the Chancellor. Members of the Executive Staff may hold multiple positions at once, including the Chancellor. If any position falls vacant, and no replacement can be found, then the Chancellor shall perform the duties of the position until a replacement can be found.
(a) Chancellor: Chief Executive Officer of the University, head of the Council.
(b] Vice-Chancellor: To oversee general operations of the University, and serve as Chief of Staff to the Chancellor and secretary to the Council.
(i) Decisions of the Vice-Chancellor shall supersede that of all other executive positions (besides decisions of the Chancellor) in the case of conflict. Such disputes may be appealed to the Council if required.
(c) Pro-Vice-Chancellors for each College: Oversee each College of the University and provide leadership and guidance under policy and directive established by the Council and the Chancellor. Responsible for the hiring and firing of Department Heads and other staff of their respective college.
(i)Terms of Reference for Divisional Heads - They are to assist the Chancellor in his duties of office. They are to act in a manner similar to that of a Deputy Minister in service to a Government Minister. They are to welcome new submitters and encourage new and existing submitters to submit more articles. Divisional Heads must report to the Chancellor any matters that require Moderation. The Divisional Heads will hold the minimum rank of Pro-Vice Chancellor.
(d) Directors: To oversee specific portfolios as defined in the appointment by the Council.
(12) Voting in Council - If voting is required there must be a quorum present, headed by the Chairman or Vice-Chairman with the Secretary present.
(a) A majority Council quorum must consist of at least 2 Officers and Members to form a majority.
(b) In the event of a tied vote, the Chairman may cast another vote in addition to his initial vote.
Chapter III - Charter
(1) This Charter shall be the supreme governing instrument of The University and shall take primacy in conflicts or disputes.
(2) This Charter shall be interpreted by the Council when required.
(3) This Charter may be amended with the approval of two-thirds of the Council.
(4) With the suspension of any section(s) by the Chancellor in the case of urgent action being required, that decision being approved by a majority of the Council.
(5) The section(s) shall be restored if the suspension is not renewed every 14 days by the Council, or the section(s) suspended are not subsequently amended under the terms of (a), to rectify whichever pressing issue required the original suspension.
(6) The chapter dealing with amendments to the Charter shall not be subject to the conditions of 3(b) and may only be amended according to the conditions of 3(a).[/b]
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