Announcement: Point & Ranking Expansion


The MacMilitant
TNP Nation
Francois Isidore

Expansion of the Point & Ranking System

Most recently, our ministerial progress report for the month of May was submitted to the public and we were able to bring all of our personnel up to date on their term and legacy point totals thus far. Previously under the leadership of former Minister of Communications, @El Fiji Grande, a point and ranking system for members of the Executive Staff who serve the Ministry of Communications was implemented. Now, as the first month of the new term has elapsed, we are pleased to bring you all an expansion upon our now-Delegate's original concept. After a brief conversation between Minister @Pallaith and I, it was decided that from here on out those who contribute articles for the RolePlay Reel (RPR) publication will now be eligible to receive an additional four (4) points that'll be added onto their cumulative points for the term and also will accumulate into their overall legacy score. As an added bonus, Executive Staffers who contribute to the editing effort or the placement of formatting are able to be compensated with two (2) points.

Though we fully understand that the RolePlay Reel (RPR) is a shared project between both the Ministry of Culture and ourselves, we aim to incentivize commitment amongst our writers and would love to encourage further participation in that area. Because of that, we've decided to add this into the calculations that come with keeping everyone's scores up to date. So as to not exclude those who dedicated themselves to the first issue of such publication, we can assure them that if they're on the Ministry of Communications' roster they will be receiving their additional points in accordance with this announcement.

Thank you,
Deputy Minister Robespierre
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