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- Marcus Antonius #8887
"sequere Polaris"

"sequere Polaris"
The North Pacific University Council & Staff
Council is the University’s principal executive and policy-making body. It has members of the University Staff and others from outside the University. It is responsible for the academic policy and direction of the University, for its administration and management.
All members of the executive staff, as defined by the Chancellor, shall compose the “Executive Staff to the Chancellor” (‘Executive Staff’) of the University. The Executive Staff shall discuss all relevant topics that affect the daily functioning and running of the University and implementation of Council Policy.
The following positions shall always exist and be present in the Executive Staff. Others may exist, as provisioned for by the Council and the Chancellor. Members of the Executive Staff may hold multiple positions at once, including the Chancellor. If any position falls vacant, and no replacement can be found, then the Chancellor shall perform the duties of the position until a replacement can be found.
(a) Chancellor: Chief Executive Officer of the University, head of the Council.
(b] Vice-Chancellor: To oversee general operations of the University, and serve as Chief of Staff to the Chancellor and secretary to the Council.
(c) Pro-Vice-Chancellors for each College/Division: Oversee each College/Division of the University and provide leadership and guidance under policy and directive established by the Council and the Chancellor. Responsible for the hiring and firing of Department Heads and other staff of their respective college.
(i)Terms of Reference for Divisional Heads - They are to assist the Chancellor in his duties of office. They are to act in a manner similar to that of a Deputy Minister in service to a Government Minister. They are to welcome new submitters and encourage new and existing submitters to submit more articles. Divisional Heads must report to the Chancellor any matters that require Moderation. The Divisional Heads will hold the minimum rank of Pro-Vice Chancellor.
(d) Directors: To oversee specific portfolios as defined in the appointment by the Council.
Name | Council Position | Staff Rank | Staff Position |
Marcus Antonius | Chairman | Chancellor | Chancellery, Lecture Hall, Library and Museum |
Prydania | Vice-Chairman | Vice-Chancellor | N/A |
VACANT | Secretary | Pro-Vice-Chancellor | N/A |
VACANT | N/A | Pro-Vice-Chancellor | Secretary To The Chancellor |
El Fiji Grande | Member | Pro-Vice-Chancellor | NationStates Division |
VACANT | N/A | Pro-Vice-Chancellor | Mathematical, Physical and Life Sciences Division |
VACANT | N/A | Pro-Vice-Chancellor | Humanities & Social Sciences Divisions |
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