Request For Review: Religious Discrimination in Regional Broadcasting


"I will be true to you whatever comes."
TNP Nation
Castle in Confidence
1. What law, government policy, or action (taken by a government official) do you request that the Court review?

The policy in question is the decision by the Delegate to limit the content of the Northern Broadcasting Service under the Ministry of Communications in response to opposition of a Catholic program that was previously approved by the Delegate before its recording.

2. What portions of the Constitution, Bill of Rights, Legal Code, or other legal document do you believe has been violated by the above? How so?

Article 2 of the Bill of Rights has been violated."The free expression of religion shall not be infringed." The above mentioned policy was not considered until an explicitly Catholic program was recorded and caused conditions that led the Delegate to issue the new policy. Other private media such as Bootsie Radio did not trigger such a conversation while this particular program did.

3. Are there any prior rulings of the Court that support your request for review? Which ones, and how?

There are none to my knowledge.

4. Please establish your standing by detailing how you, personally, have been adversely affected. If you are requesting a review of a governmental action, you must include how any rights or freedoms of yours have been violated. If you are submitting this request in your capacity as the Attorney General or their designee, please note that here instead.

A work of expression was authorized by the Delegate which in itself allowed an open discussion of a religious yet intellectual and educational nature. My broadcast that was previously approved was retroactively denied after production due to the the content of that broadcast. My rights and ability to serve the regional government has been obstructed, and I have been discriminated against because of my religious views which pressured the Delegate to institute the policy. The policy itself was developed from discriminatory sentiments against me and my faith, and the policy's prohibition of non NationStates topics under any institution including The North Pacific University is a further representation of that discrimination.

5. Do you have any further information you wish to submit to the Court with your request?

I want to make clear that it is the process by which the policy came about that is in question and not the policy itself. Also, it is my hope that there be allowed some outlet in this community where ideas and dialogue can be broadcast even if it is not under the Northern Broadcast Service.
Pending the separation of The North Pacific University from the government, I am now pausing in my pursuit of this request for review.