[DRAFT] Salgado RPR Article

El Fiji Grande

Over 45000 km and counting
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El Fiji Grande (#3446)
The Queen and The Empress
RP by Azen and Ryn; Showcased by Salgado (Azen)

From the land of vast taigas, open seas and the largest cities on the face of Northern Osea, a dark-skinned Queen and her adopted child boarded the earliest flight out of Esperanza City to meet the Empress of the Rynese, another grand country separated from Azenyanistan by thousands of miles of earth and water as well as the fact that both countries resided upon different continents and were a part of strange alliances. Just as the two members of an ancient royal family settled down in their comfortable first-class seats, the adorable young woman noticed a troubled expression coming unto the face of her adoptive mother. She reached out to her hand and grasped it firmly while she smiled at her mother. The older woman, despite the pain crawling up and down her arm, a price she paid for using wild and evil magic made evident by the horrifying scars that traced over her arms hidden by the sleeves of her top, smiled back and reassured her only daughter, without a word spoken, that she would be okay. The plane, in minutes, soon left the airport and gave its last witness to the land of the Azens and their kingdom.

This is a taste of the start of one of the most intense and passionately written roleplays that surfaced on Strangereal just recently.

This roleplay has no title made by both players involved in this romantic and incredibly character focused collaboration. Yet, it seems that the most basic working title could always make up for the lack of a proper name. So, dear readers, please allow me to introduce this month’s featured roleplay, The Queen and The Empress.

A month ago, this roleplay began quite innocently and absentmindedly in what was supposed to be a routine diplomatic chat between two heads of state controlled by the players Rynese Empire (Ryn) and Azenyanistan (Azen). On the backgrounds of both players, Ryn is an old player of The North Pacific's Strangereal RMB RP. He is the humble owner and creator of The Rynese Empire, a vast and powerful member of an alliance of nations called the Ironblood Zwei. Meanwhile, Azen is a new addition to the region, hailing from the modern tech region of New Ausozera. He is a young roleplayer focused on modern tech and character-focused roleplays. And just like Rynese, he is the owner and creator of Azenyanistan, a kingdom dominated by both magic and technology as a member of the strict but outstandingly strong Warsaw Pact.

Returning to focus on the roleplay itself, both players expected that it would end quickly and wouldn't matter much. For the article, it was fortunate that both players agreed to an interview.

Author: What did you first expect from this RP?
Ryn: At first, I thought it would be a short lived meeting between two queens.
Author: Okay. And what can you say about how it turned out?
Ryn: It turned out to be a long and planned out romance story. It’s something I’m totally okay with. I’m actually glad it happened.
Author: That’s nice. So, are you willing to continue the RP with Azen?
Ryn: Absolutely! This is one of the roleplays that I can’t really say no to continuing, even if it turns into a lot of filler.
Author: Do you truly enjoy it?
Ryn: It’s hard not to enjoy it.
Author: If you and he were to work together again on a similar or different project, would you?
Ryn: Absolutely! Azenyanistan has proven to be pretty much the most reliable guy around. I’ll always be up for working with him again.
Author: That’s really nice of you. As for the roleplay, what comments would you like to make? How romantic is it really? Is it over the top or genuine?
Ryn: I’d say that I like the way it is, with slightly over the top love. To me, I feel like it’s the correct amount of everything, considering everything from both sides, though to a third party it might seem a little, as I said, over the top. It’s enjoyable to write, which is all I really care for. The story itself is good because both writers involved had fun writing it.
Author: Alright. So, we are almost done with the interview, what would you like to say to our readers about one on one roleplays like this one?
Ryn: They’re probably the backbone and femur of roleplaying in general. Not to mention, easy to pull off and probably the type of roleplay to have the most potential structuring and planning for.
Author: Thanks. That was a wonderful interview.
Ryn: You’re welcome!

According to Azen, he started that, "It was wonderful to play with Ryn. I didn't even expect this RP to lead not only to a thriving In-Character friendship but also an Out-of-Character partnership."

The author has also conducted an interview with Azen.
Author: What did you first expect from this roleplay?
Azen: At first, I really thought that all this roleplay would lead to would just be a simple, decent and not really distracting alliance between two monarchies. I didn’t think it would lead to anything really grand.
Author: What can you say about how it turned out?
Azen: It turned out very well! I was honestly surprised at how it transformed itself.
Author: Interesting. Okay then, can you say that you are willing to keep roleplaying with Ryn?
Azen: Why not? I really love the roleplay and I really enjoy writing with him. To me, he’s probably the best guy to collaborate with in the region.
Author: Do you really see yourself enjoying this RP?
Azen: Surely!
Author: If you and Ryn were to work again, would you?
Azen: Yes! It’s really good for me as it is for him. So why not?
Author: Indeed. Okay, your comments on the roleplay?
Azen: It’s good. I’d say that it may sometimes get over the top and that it can be way too fast, but above all, I really enjoyed it, so I don’t mind the discrepancies. If both of us are fine with it and people still like it, we are willing to continue and while doing so, we can fix those issues along the way.
Author: Great! What would you like to say to our readers now about one on one roleplays like this one?
Azen: Don’t be afraid if this kind of roleplay is what you do most of the time. It’s not only the basic and most flexible form of roleplay, it allows you to work with the person and develop a friendship!

Ever since the two resumed the roleplay just a few days ago, so much warmth has been exchanged between the two players. In both private and in public, in their own company so shared or in the company of many others, both friend and stranger, the two writers have closely tied themselves to the other without a hint of coldness or hesitation.

In the end, the roleplay continues between the two. The current arc is situated around Empress Tiara attempting to bring back Queen Natalia to the Rynese Empire after a serious misunderstanding.