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Dossier proves ABC is foreign shill
Mr Pallaith's campaign and transition team has faced spurious allegations for several weeks that it colluded with 10,000 Islands to influence The North Pacific elections and to destroy the electoral chances of @abc, a widely respected former Speaker of the Regional Assembly and Founder of the Region Forced.
A dossier compiled by a person who has claimed to be a former North Pacifican Intelligence official has proven that Delegate @Pallaith is 100% innocent and fully vindicated the Delegate of any criminal charges.
ABC alleged that the Delegate may have violated his freedom of speech but probably didn't. ABC's private family matter continues to make it's way through the public governmental court.

Delegate Pallaith had fired ABC from the Diplomatic Corps for abusing his power and utilising his former positions in TNP to satisfy the interests of a region of no consequence or significance. "Had ABC been utilising his position in the North Pacific to advance Europeian interests, we might not have fired him" Former Minister of Foreign Affairs @Brendog said to Greitbart.
Despite ABC's claims of a conspiracy and a witch hunt, all of this gripping entertainment is likely to be brought to an abrupt end as the dossier makes explosive and fully verified allegations that the Forced Government had been cultivating, supporting and assisting ABC for years and had gained compromising information about him.
The dossier, which contains a collection of telegrams written over a period of months includes specific, verified, and 100% factual allegations of ABC threatening prominent regions with close ties to The North Pacific and in utilising his positions within The North Pacific to pursue Forced's regional motives.
Greitbart reporters in The North Pacific and some dumb user created regions have been investigating these telegrams and have falsified some of them. Greitbart can confirm that this dossier was also supplied to Delegate Pallaith and to the Court of The North Pacific.

Tlomz speaks to Greitbart
Tinfoil hat enthusiast and Pallaithican, @TlomzKrano spoke to our reporters to give his take on the evolving story. "Forced has a video of ABC being urinated on by a large chicken. That is the only logical explanation why ABC would pursue the foreign interests of a region in decline".
Now Greitbart is prepared to publish the full document that contains all of the leaked correspondence so that North Pacificans can make up their own minds about the allegations that ABC has utilised his positions in the highest level of TNP government to pursue policies favourable to Forced.

Attorney General COE testifies before the Court
The Pallaith administration did not immediately respond for comment, however the Delegate's Attorney General, @Crushing Our Enemies told Greitbart that the allegations against ABC were completely true and that Pallaith had been fully vindicated in his decision to fire ABC from the Diplomatic Corps.
Justices of The North Pacific could be heard laughing at the evidence in the dossier before debating whether to bake ABC into a pie or serve him with hoisin sauce and pancakes.
The full leak that has totally owned ABC is contained below.