Capital: New Ostrovecs
Official Language: Timistanian
Ethnic Groups: Timistani(86%), Morovecs(8%%) & Sebrinsk(6%)
Demonym: Timistanian
Government: Unitary Marxist One party State
Premier: Borgan Denisovitch
Legislature: National Council of the Proletariat
Population: 12 Million (2014 Census)
Currency: Krulek
Driving Side: Right
The People's Republic was founded in 1919 during a brutal revolution against the capitalist dukedom of Greater Timistania. Once a single nation the dukedoms aristocratic rulers were noted for their corrupt and brutal reign when Arch-Duke Nikolas III demanded greater industrial output his court was known to get results by firing squad if necessary.
The peasant workers who tilled the fields and manned the factories and mines endured a miserable existence whilst their masters built lavish palaces and engaged in debauched parties. In 1919 the country faced a major famine and economic downturn from loss of agricultural output, workers gathered in the tens of thousands to protest the situation at the foot of the ducal palace. What followed became known as the wage-day massacre, the ducal guard shooting over 2000 unarmed workers.
This event inspired outrage amongst the populace and it was Alexy Kruglev who was to light the spark that would initiate the revolution. A famed academic and student of Marxist theory, Kruglev was exiled following his publication of communist literature, however hearing of the violence at home he returned to Timistania to fight for the worker.
Armed revolution followed as Kruglev's speeches and strong leadership inspired the proletariat to great acts of bravery. The nation split in two with the North falling to communist rule in 1921 and the south remaining largely capitalist. To this day both sides have never formally reconciled and relations remain cold at best. North and Southern army units are locked in a permanent standoff along the two nations shared borders.
Following the revolution, the North underwent a program of modernization with emphasis on three great industrial pillars, Automobiles, Coal and later Nuclear Energy. Universal healthcare and socialist education have ensured a loyal and healthy populace continues to support the regime, however brutal crackdowns on perceived threats to the communist party are frequent and freedom of speech and press is practically a myth.
In particular, the countries Morovecs and Sebrinsk minorities have suffered scrutiny in the new state, their traditional cultures and nomadic lifestyle making them a prime target for communist investigation. Despite this occasionally volatile ethnic mix, the nation has largely weathered the last century in relative peace.
Recently the notoriously isolationist state has begun to make overtures to foreign powers with its automobile and nuclear industries being prime selling points. It remains to be seen how this new policy of openness will affect life in the republic.
Scholarship and education are especially prized in North-Timistania, the result of the state-run programs to educate the peasantry post-revolution. The Nation is home to a proud tradition of playwrights and scholars who have produced amazing works of literary significance, above all the medieval playwright and author Vasiliev is held to be the nations greatest artistic icon. Vasiliev's works on both religious struggle and dynastic strife have oddly survived the socialist revolution unscathed with their ethnic prominence overcoming any socialist concerns. it should be noted that despite the nations artistic flowering over the course of the century, those who display views considered incompatible with the communistic party are frequently censured and punished.
Timistania is a land of proud traditions and has a long history stretching back nearly 1000 years, this ethnic identity suffuses the country even now under communistic rule. Poetry and Music are prized and Timistanian's take pride in celebrations and social gatherings just as much as they do a day's hard work. The nation's national drink is Vodka and despite wine's occasional prominence amongst the few who can source it, Vodka remains the darling of peasant and party official alike.
Sport is heavily sponsored by the state as both a means of popular entertainment and a way to keep the nation physically healthy. The most popular sports in the republic are wrestling, boxing, target shooting, and Chess. Sport is one of the few options available to those who wish to travel outside of the nation with the other being membership in a state orchestra...however these groups are monitored at all times by minders.
Religion is a complex issue in the state, though agnosticism is officially the nations only creed there has been little persecution of traditional faith since the end of the 1930's. Most Timistanian's maintain private faith and are allowed to attend church or pray in the home, provided these activities remain personal and do not interfere with the communist ideology of the state.
Most aspects of life in the republic are heavily militarised with routine and discipline emphasized at all levels of society. Military service is compulsory for all males aged 16-30 and industrial labor is equally prioritized. A good citizen can expect to remain in employment and supported by the state from the cradle until the grave, provided they do not stray from communism light.
A planned economy has been in place since the early 1920s with automobile manufacture along with coal and nuclear energy being considered prime industries. The state relies upon a mixture of trade revenue from sales to other socialist states and sales of its affordable (if utterly utilitarian) vehicles as its primary income.
Other notable industries include a thriving vodka trade and an increasingly developed shipping sector, shipping, in particular, is expected to grow and become a fourth pillar of the nation's economy. Agriculture is strictly controlled to prevent famine though it provides some modest revenue from the sale of grain to nearby states.
Personal enterprise is largely forbidden and punishable by imprisonment, instead all industrial activities are monitored by state-appointed workers councils.
A state in a constant standoff with its capitalist neighbor, conscription has been mandatory since 1919 and the military maintains a vast arsenal of reliable Soviet equipment. Combat readiness is considered vital to the survival of the nation and whilst foreign interventions are all but unheard of, the nations 152,000 armed servicemen maintain a constant state of vigilance at all times.
Official Language: Timistanian
Ethnic Groups: Timistani(86%), Morovecs(8%%) & Sebrinsk(6%)
Demonym: Timistanian
Government: Unitary Marxist One party State
Premier: Borgan Denisovitch
Legislature: National Council of the Proletariat
Population: 12 Million (2014 Census)
Currency: Krulek
Driving Side: Right
The People's Republic was founded in 1919 during a brutal revolution against the capitalist dukedom of Greater Timistania. Once a single nation the dukedoms aristocratic rulers were noted for their corrupt and brutal reign when Arch-Duke Nikolas III demanded greater industrial output his court was known to get results by firing squad if necessary.
The peasant workers who tilled the fields and manned the factories and mines endured a miserable existence whilst their masters built lavish palaces and engaged in debauched parties. In 1919 the country faced a major famine and economic downturn from loss of agricultural output, workers gathered in the tens of thousands to protest the situation at the foot of the ducal palace. What followed became known as the wage-day massacre, the ducal guard shooting over 2000 unarmed workers.
This event inspired outrage amongst the populace and it was Alexy Kruglev who was to light the spark that would initiate the revolution. A famed academic and student of Marxist theory, Kruglev was exiled following his publication of communist literature, however hearing of the violence at home he returned to Timistania to fight for the worker.
Armed revolution followed as Kruglev's speeches and strong leadership inspired the proletariat to great acts of bravery. The nation split in two with the North falling to communist rule in 1921 and the south remaining largely capitalist. To this day both sides have never formally reconciled and relations remain cold at best. North and Southern army units are locked in a permanent standoff along the two nations shared borders.
Following the revolution, the North underwent a program of modernization with emphasis on three great industrial pillars, Automobiles, Coal and later Nuclear Energy. Universal healthcare and socialist education have ensured a loyal and healthy populace continues to support the regime, however brutal crackdowns on perceived threats to the communist party are frequent and freedom of speech and press is practically a myth.
In particular, the countries Morovecs and Sebrinsk minorities have suffered scrutiny in the new state, their traditional cultures and nomadic lifestyle making them a prime target for communist investigation. Despite this occasionally volatile ethnic mix, the nation has largely weathered the last century in relative peace.
Recently the notoriously isolationist state has begun to make overtures to foreign powers with its automobile and nuclear industries being prime selling points. It remains to be seen how this new policy of openness will affect life in the republic.
Scholarship and education are especially prized in North-Timistania, the result of the state-run programs to educate the peasantry post-revolution. The Nation is home to a proud tradition of playwrights and scholars who have produced amazing works of literary significance, above all the medieval playwright and author Vasiliev is held to be the nations greatest artistic icon. Vasiliev's works on both religious struggle and dynastic strife have oddly survived the socialist revolution unscathed with their ethnic prominence overcoming any socialist concerns. it should be noted that despite the nations artistic flowering over the course of the century, those who display views considered incompatible with the communistic party are frequently censured and punished.
Timistania is a land of proud traditions and has a long history stretching back nearly 1000 years, this ethnic identity suffuses the country even now under communistic rule. Poetry and Music are prized and Timistanian's take pride in celebrations and social gatherings just as much as they do a day's hard work. The nation's national drink is Vodka and despite wine's occasional prominence amongst the few who can source it, Vodka remains the darling of peasant and party official alike.
Sport is heavily sponsored by the state as both a means of popular entertainment and a way to keep the nation physically healthy. The most popular sports in the republic are wrestling, boxing, target shooting, and Chess. Sport is one of the few options available to those who wish to travel outside of the nation with the other being membership in a state orchestra...however these groups are monitored at all times by minders.
Religion is a complex issue in the state, though agnosticism is officially the nations only creed there has been little persecution of traditional faith since the end of the 1930's. Most Timistanian's maintain private faith and are allowed to attend church or pray in the home, provided these activities remain personal and do not interfere with the communist ideology of the state.
Most aspects of life in the republic are heavily militarised with routine and discipline emphasized at all levels of society. Military service is compulsory for all males aged 16-30 and industrial labor is equally prioritized. A good citizen can expect to remain in employment and supported by the state from the cradle until the grave, provided they do not stray from communism light.
A planned economy has been in place since the early 1920s with automobile manufacture along with coal and nuclear energy being considered prime industries. The state relies upon a mixture of trade revenue from sales to other socialist states and sales of its affordable (if utterly utilitarian) vehicles as its primary income.
Other notable industries include a thriving vodka trade and an increasingly developed shipping sector, shipping, in particular, is expected to grow and become a fourth pillar of the nation's economy. Agriculture is strictly controlled to prevent famine though it provides some modest revenue from the sale of grain to nearby states.
Personal enterprise is largely forbidden and punishable by imprisonment, instead all industrial activities are monitored by state-appointed workers councils.
A state in a constant standoff with its capitalist neighbor, conscription has been mandatory since 1919 and the military maintains a vast arsenal of reliable Soviet equipment. Combat readiness is considered vital to the survival of the nation and whilst foreign interventions are all but unheard of, the nations 152,000 armed servicemen maintain a constant state of vigilance at all times.