[GA - Withdrawn] Addressing The Issue Of Space Debris Into The Future

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Addressing The Issue Of Space Debris Into The Future
Category: Environmental | Industry Affected: All Business - Mild
Proposed by: Syrtis Major Planum | No Forum Post
Co-Authors: Social Democracy of Thurmany, Unquestionable Supremacy of Xenu

The World Assembly,

Establishing that the a goal of all WA member nations should be to address the growing need for a solution that combats space debris, both presently and in the future,

Observing that many WA member nations have very high manufacturing outputs that could easily be devoted to a project of great magnitude,

Stressing the fact that space debris and solutions to combat it will be continuously be disputed in terms of how to best address the concerns of both developed and developing countries,

Considering that nations have varying economic statuses among the world and abilities to properly fund any significant space debris solution,

Acknowledging that further research into any initialized space station or technology would have to be conducted to ensure proper use of resources and energy,

Noting that the project described below would not involve technology designed to serve as weapons in any way,

Implores WA member nations to recognize the seriousness of this proposition;

Endorses the creation of a D.E.A.T.H. (Debris Extraction and Adaptation Technological Hub) Star which first and foremost is a space station that is maintained with clean sources of energy, an electromagnetic field that would be used to slow and collect space debris after being resized to a manageable size by advanced heat technology, the station being an estimated 18-25 Kilometers wide;

Asserts that this august body would oversee an official World Assembly fund that allocates the spending required for the creation of the D.E.A.T.H. Star through means that acknowledge the varying levels of funding available from member states that have different ability or willingness to pay;

Affirms that the regulatory body controlling the D.E.A.T.H Star will be made up of all countries in the WA, and the D.E.A.T.H Star may only me used by this body to remove space debris, emphasizing the interests of both countries with developed space programs and those with developing ones;

Stresses the purpose of the WA in this project is to regulate the use of the D.E.A.T.H. Star with careful monitoring of the removal of space debris;

Encourages that data contributing to the location and tracking of space debris be brought together in the D.E.A.T.H star's command centre, creating a place where all nations could share the knowledge relevant to the space debris problem;

Notes that the World Assembly should reconvene semi-regularly in the future to reassess the current state of space debris and determine if the space station should be decommissioned or adapted to suit the needs of the current situation, lacking the capability of weaponization in the first place;

Strongly suggests the use of high levels of cybersecurity associated with the D.E.A.T.H. Star to ensure its proper use;

Emphasizes that space debris that is collected will be recycled and used to maintain and create the D.E.A.T.H. Star’s structure.

Stresses that the space station is not a weapon to use against other countries or planets, rather it is a tool to help neutralize the threat of space debris through reduction methods and recycling, classifying this object as a satellite and not as a weapon;

Reaffirms that the D.E.A.T.H Star would be created such that its size could adequately meet the needs of collecting space debris while being cost-effective in its size.
Voting Instructions:​
  • Vote For if you want the Delegate to vote For the resolution.
  • Vote Against if you want the Delegate to vote Against the resolution.
  • Vote Abstain if you want the Delegate to abstain from voting on this resolution.
  • Vote Present if you are personally abstaining from this vote.

Detailed opinions with your vote are appreciated and encouraged!​
Against - as a floof, i appreciate the lessened sunlight and global cooling caused by an oversaturation of space debris in orbit, which allows the floof better comfort in more equatorial climes. This is why the floof runs a space program solely concerned with placing the floof's excess fluff in near-earth orbit. This has the convenient side effect of lessening the impact of global warming.

(WA is Darcania.)
Against - as much as I like space-related proposals, this one is particularly ill-informed.

Endorses the creation of a D.E.A.T.H. (Debris Extraction and Adaptation Technological Hub) Star which first and foremost is a space station that is maintained with clean sources of energy, an electromagnetic field that would be used to slow and collect space debris after being resized to a manageable size by advanced heat technology, the station being an estimated 18-25 Kilometers wide;
There's some problems here. First off, magnetic fields can slow other objects. However, magnetic field strength decreases as 1/r3, meaning that you'd need an immense amount of power to generate a significant field with which to power such a device, and even then, it would only attract objects over very short distances. Secondly, it would need to be precisely controlled, as it could affect the orbit of a piece of space debris in a way that would negatively impact other satellites. But really, that's not very likely, as at orbital velocities, the field would only act on an object for a very short amount of time. And lastly, a station 18-25 km wide is of a size never before constructed in space (and hardly ever on Earth). This size would make it very likely that space debris would collide with the station, increasing the amount of debris in orbit, thus worsening the problem. Such an object may also perturb the orbits of other nearby satellites.

The station would also need to be low enough to affect the orbits of space debris. This would mean that it would encounter aerodynamic drag in the upper atmosphere and either need to be boosted back to its correct orbit nearly continuously, or would fall to the surface like some man-made asteroid. And much of it would survive reentry, likely killing millions.

Asserts that this august body would oversee an official World Assembly fund that allocates the spending required for the creation of the D.E.A.T.H. Star through means that acknowledge the varying levels of funding available from member states that have different ability or willingness to pay;
The cost of such a project would be on a nearly inconceivable scale. The largest space station ever built is the International Space Station. It's about the size of a football field, and cost about $100B in total. A station 18-25 km wide would be vastly more expensive. If we scale the cost linearly by volume, the D.E.A.T.H. Star would cost on the order of $10E20. That's about a billion times more expensive than the ISS. For perspective, if you took the current IRL GDP of every country on Earth (~80 trillion), and devoted it entirely to the project, it would take about 3.75 million years to fund. I doubt the WA has fully considered the implications of such a fruitless endeavor.

Emphasizes that space debris that is collected will be recycled and used to maintain and create the D.E.A.T.H. Star’s structure.
Should the project be successful and actually deorbit some material, this material will burn up on re-entry. It will be vaporized. And if it does manage to fall all the way back to Earth in one piece, it will not be salvageable. Additionally, it will likely be so insignificant relative to the station size that all this amounts to is an expensive, worthless talking point.

Reaffirms that the D.E.A.T.H Star would be created such that its size could adequately meet the needs of collecting space debris while being cost-effective in its size.
Nothing about this is cost-effective. Far better engineering solutions exist. Namely: (i) deorbit sails, (ii) reuse/reentry of rocket bodies, (iii) responsible end-of-life mission management.

I could go on and on. For my own sanity, I will stop, as I think I have made myself clear.

And moreover, I get the sense that this entire proposal is a joke, given the terminology of D.E.A.T.H. Star and
Implores WA member nations to recognize the seriousness of this proposition;

Edit: WA is El Fiji Grande. Can I put this in my signature or something? I always forget it.
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Thank you both for your contributions! The proposal has been withdrawn by the author without explanation. Will update when more news is known.
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