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Opinion | Raid Culture and Toxic Raidsculinity
Raid culture is real: Spare us your tears for toxic raiderism.
This is indisputably true: raid culture is real. If you grimace or roll your eyes at this, dismissing the idea as an overreaction by hypersensitive defenders, then you are part of the problem. We can no longer hide from this - it’s not an illusionary scapegoat created to topple independent dominance, so please, don’t weep for your toxic raidsculinity.
Growing up as the youngest of 5 raiders and residing in an all raider region, we never gave much thought to the influence of raiderism on defenders. As a minnow, I was always taught to treat natives with respect and not to grief their homes, but recently I saw first hand how we do not live in a world where natives feel truly supported and empowered.
A dear friend was a native and I listened to their testimony before the World Assembly advocating for their liberation. Sitting with the native in a remote witness room of the Security Council. Their distress at having to relive the disturbing details of the invasion of their region was extremely confronting. The feed to the Security Council was cut numerous times so they could wipe away tears.
Midway through the debate in the Security Council, I heard the accusation lobbied by a former Black Rider that because the natives had not re-founded the region, they wanted an invasion to happen. If they had wanted to be safe from invasion, they should have re-founded, organised a defensive strategy, or changed regions.
Prominent lawyer Bobberino speaks to Greitbart
@Bobberino a prominent lawyer that represents founderless regions in the Security Council was there that day. Bobberino said to Greitbart that while he understood that it is an invader’s job to fight against the liberation of native regions, “To do so in such an overtly violent manner is why our World Assembly is failing the natives of NationStates.”
In order to get to the heart of toxic raidsculinity and raid culture, Greitbart spoke with a number of expert “snowflakes” that call The North Pacific home.

Gladio speaking to Greitbart earlier today
"According to my calculations, defenders are not whiny snowflakes!" squeals a noticeably diminutive @Gladio, recently proclaimed First Warden in the Order of the Grey Wardens. "We contain in fact, excluding @Malphe and @Praetor, .245% more muscle mass as gross mean as compared to raiders. This does not include the rest of NS, mainly burly Polish men, notably @King SillyString."
Despite this muscle mass, at most only 10% of raids are reported to defender organisations. Natives have no faith in our institutions and they have little options on who to report to. Less than 0.1% of raids end in liberations. The average time a region is liberated before a subsequent invasion is 1 day.
According to Flemingovia, a prominent snowflake and “toxic raidsculinity expert”, the definition of raid culture is “A state of existence in which the impact and reality of raider violence is minimised while the perpetrators of it are supported by a complex system built on by flawed human beliefs, ideologies about power, and good old fashioned defendogyny”.

Prominent snowflake Flemingovia on the definition of raid culture
“There is a sense of entitlement in groups of young raiders when it comes to founderless regions.” @Flemingovia said.
We cannot claim to be perfect. But let me repeat this: Raid culture is real. If that makes you concerned, don’t hide from it. Join the United Defenders League. Protect the natives of NationStates who have been affected by raiderism. If they cannot rest peacefully, neither can we.
Note: @Bobberino and @Syrixia contributed to this article.