Dispatch Code for Ren Fair

El Fiji Grande

Over 45000 km and counting
TNP Nation
El Fiji Grande (#3446)
[hr][hr][center][b][color=#0000A0][size=150]TNP's Roleplay Renaissance Faire[/size][/color][/b][/center]
[center][b][color=#0000A0]Hosted by The North Pacific Ministry of Culture[/color]
[i]Dates: March 8, 2019 - March 10, 2019[/i]

[url=https://forum.nationstates.net/viewtopic.php?f=12&t=209015&sid=14b4523e2c067a33f2bad051365fe7f6&start=350]NS Forum Post[/url]
[url=https://discord.gg/a23E4dM]Event Discord[/url][/b][/center]

[center][u]This medieval-themed festival is open to all players in good standing within the NS Community![/u][/center]
[list][*][b]Poetry and Prose Circle[/b]
[i]A discussion group for sharing renaissance or medieval-themed poetry, short stories, sonnets, limericks- anything your heart desires! Applicants should have the desire to lead and encourage discussions regarding said literature, as well as encourage visitors to write their own and participate.[/i]

[*] [b]College of Heraldry[/b]
[i]A booth for the heraldry and vexillology enthusiast! Have you ever wondered what your NS nation’s flags or coats of arms looked like during the medieval or renaissance eras? This is the booth for you! The booth will also serve as a roundtable discussion on the themes present in medieval and renaissance heraldry.[/i]

[*] [b]The Armoury[/b]
[i]Are you interested in military history? Are you a fan of swords, armour, or early-modern firearms? Are you someone who extols the virtues of the military revolution or someone who wants to reminisce about gallant knights on horseback? This is the booth for you![/i]

[*] [b]Universitas Scholarium[/b]
[i]Who doesn’t like trivia? This will be a booth where your knowledge of the post-Classical and Early Modern world are tested![/i]

[*] [b]The Tournament Ground[/b]
[i]Train, fight, and level-up in this multi-player bot-driven mini Discord RPG![/i]

[*] [b]The Adventurer's Guild[/b]
[i]Go on a classic D&D-style adventure with your friends and new acquaintances! Gain skills, classes, and loot as you maraud through the world![/i]

[*] [b]The Grand Banquet[/b]
[i]Join this illustrious RP to show off your skills and imagination![/i]

[*] [b]GoT Roleplay?[/b]
[i]Determine your Game of Thrones [url=https://www.arealme.com/which-game-of-thrones-house-are-you-quiz/en/]House[/url] and [url=https://www.arealme.com/which-game-of-thrones-character-are-you-quiz/en/]Character[/url] with these quizzes. Surprised? Discuss your results in #got-discussion. Then stylize your own new characters within the GoT universe, and enjoy the challenge of roleplaying them to victory.[/i]

[*] [b]The Theatre Balcony[/b]
[i]Visit the theatre to get in the mood! Listen to your favorite medieval chants here, and participate on The Stage.[/i]

[*] [b]Join the Order of the Gryphons[/b]
[i]One of the NS world's longest standing and most eclectic interregional groups, the Order of the Gryphons invites you to join them in their quest to bring morality, justice, and wisdom to NS.[/i][/list][hr][hr]
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