Do not use Breeze to endotart


Following a recent query in the NS Technical forum, [violet] has found that using Breeze or similar keybinding tools to endotart is likely to result in behavior that is illegal under current NS rules.

While [violet] has stated that it is likely that an exception to the rule will be created, until that happens, it is inadvisable to use Breeze to endotart. We have added a similar note in the endorse page.

It is worth pointing out that the endorse page is designed to let you endorse nations just as fast with manual clicking as if you were using Breeze. The reason is that, when you use a link from the endorse page to open a nation's page in a new tab, the nation's page will auto-scroll to the NS "Endorse" button. Therefore, from tab to tab, the "Endorse" button will appear at the same location.

Thanks you this, you can quickly endorse multiple nations by using your browser's shortcut (usually CTRL+TAB) to switch tabs and then manually click the endorse button in quick succession, without having to move the mouse pointer at all. This should be just as fast as switching tabs and hitting "E" or some other keyboard button in quick succession.