Interview with Eluvatar post Judicial Elections November 2018

Marcus Antonius

Per Ardua Ad Astra
TNP Nation
Marcus Antonius #8887
Interview with Eluvatar post Judicial Elections November 2018

November 15, 2018

Marcus Antonius
Hello I am Marcus Antonius, I am writing an article for TNL. I am interviewing all the winners of the recent judicial election. Do you mind taking part?

November 16, 2018


Marcus Antonius
Thank you for your reply. Best regards

That's no, I don't mind

Marcus Antonius
Oh, sorry Thank you. Firstly congratulations on your success. Okay we shall start with the questions. What made you interested in law within TNP?

In 2006, region mates of mine in the Lexicon suggested TNP laws were A) terrible and B) not being followed. This led me to read them, and to think about how they could be better. Over the years in changing circumstances I have given that question considerable thought. I find it fun.(edited)

Marcus Antonius
Thank you. Do you find Law fun?How did you start to gain knowledge on the law?

I find law fun. It's like programming in natural language gained knowledge of NS regional law by reading, both the texts themselves and the forum activity which is their context.This included archive binges of old posts.

Marcus Antonius
Interesting. How did you gain experience?

Through writing legislation in various regions and through judicial work. Like my friend Gulliver I have sometimes turned my pen to codification, which generally forces a pretty comprehensive understanding.Judicial work waxes and wanes, particularly under the AG office, but is valuable hands on experience nonetheless.(edited)

Marcus Antonius
What 'stepping stone' got you into a position to run for justice the first time?

The first time I ran for justice was back in 2009 or so, I think, and I don't remember my precise motivations. I had previously served as Speaker, Delegate, and Vice Delegate, so I imagine I had pretty good name recognition.

Marcus Antonius
I see. Do you think there should be a way for a citizen to train up in Law?(edited)For instance, a tutorial or course?(edited)

(back from afk)Yes. I've been working on and off on a Legal Manual; it currently has a piece on legal theory and decent analysis of the constitution, bill of rights, and at least much of the legal code as they stood a little while ago; it aimed also to analyse our treaties, court rulings, etc(edited)

Marcus Antonius
Now that is a good thing to use as a source of knowledge. Do the Ministries serve at the behest of the Delegate? If not - if they are independent - do you think a Ministry of Justice should exist?

We used to have a Ministry of Justice, headed either by the Minister of Justice or by the Attorney General (depending on time period).I think the Attorney General's office is an appropriate organ to provide legal education/assistance, and will hopefully be submitting my opus to them in the fullness of time.(edited)

Marcus Antonius
Thank you, only two more questions. (edited) Do you think that the justice elections are just a popularity contest?
(This was a clumsy question and I rephrased it for the other two interviews)

They are not just a popularity contest.

Marcus Antonius
Thank you. And now the final question. Bearing in mind a newcomer will have no knowledge of the law and no experience. What advice would you give to a newcomer to TNP who is interested in becoming a justice?

Join the Attorney General's office, read up, and participate in legislative discussions.

Marcus Antonius
Thank you for taking the time to answer these questions, it's been a pleasure. I wish you all the best for the future. O7

Likewise!I appreciate the stimulating questions