Culture Projects OP master topic

St George

RolePlay Moderator
Deputy Speaker
He/Him, They/Them
This topic will be for storing the opening posts of Culture projects, along with feedback on those.
TNP's Search For... The Best Media of All Time

TNP's Search For... is a new series of polled content to find out what TNP thinks on a number of things, some good, some bad. Taking place on both the forum and the RMB, TNP's Search For... will open with a big one - the best piece of media of all time. This could be anything, from films to music to games to books to even just clips of significant events or entire series.

The way we'll be running this is that we'll allow a week for nominations, where TNPers can make suggestions and our panel of judges will decide what gets through to the polls. We'll start polls by the end of January at the latest.

Here's the form to nominate pieces of media, there's no limit on how many pieces of media you can nominate, but at the same time, if you're nominating dozens of stuff, then maybe that's a sign some of them aren't the best media of all time. ;)

Name of Media:
Reasoning for why it's the best ever:
Concerning the specific example of media, I feel as if "Media" is much too vague. Media could mean anything from literally anything on a screen to literally any book ever, and those are just two already very large categories. I do, however, love the premise of this program overall.
That's the point of this one - it's the best media ever.
This is kind of asking for "The Best Variety of Apple or Orange or other Fruit of All Time" - if the point is to make people compare apples and oranges, then I think we should lampshade that a bit more and get the humor across.
This is what we went with:

Heyo. Welcome to a fun new series the Culture Ministry is running - where we try to find the absolute, officially unofficial best or worst thing in any given category. Consider it like an election, only much more important.

And we're starting with a big one - the best piece of media of all time. It can be anything, from a book to a tv series, a film, a video game, even a piece of art or YouTube video. It just needs to be submitted and you need to give a reason for it to be considered as the best media of all time. This is important. There's an award and stuff.*

Nominations are open now and will be ongoing for a week, and then our panel of expert** judges will decide which nominations go through to the polling rounds, which will happen over a number of days before we come down to a winner - the best piece of media of all time.

Just fill out the form below to get nominating - we'll allow multiple nominations but the number of nominations you make might be taken into account when it comes time to judge them.
Name of Media:
Reasoning for why it's the best ever:
*There's not an award.
**By expert we mean 'they have working eyes and ears'. Don't tell that's not what expert means.