Conclave Proposal: The Solar System


This is essentially a proposal as to the structure and layout of the solar system in which the world Eras resides. It will contain a list of all the major planets with their defining features, as well as some notable information regarding the star of the solar system and various non-planetary formations within the system.

Star: Jua (The Sun)

F2V type Star with a mass of 1.0 times the real world's Sun and a surface temperature of ~6000 degrees K. It burns with a yellow-white hue.

First Planet: Mot

A small rocky planet with little to no atmosphere due to close proximity to Helios. Weighs in at .8 Terrestrial Masses (hereafter TM) and has no moons. Orbits Helios at approximately .42 AU and has a period of revolution of 101 Eras days.

Fifth Planet: Hakoa

A rocky planet with a thin, primarily Carbon Dioxide based atmosphere with frozen water in the polar regions and high sulfur content in the sands, causing a yellow hue. Formations suggest extensive volcanic activity at some point in history, though little to no current activity is detected. Possibly had liquid water at some point. Weighs in at .57 TM and has three small moons. Orbits Helios at .68 AU and has a period of revolution of 203 Eras Years (1080 days).

Second Planet: Eras (Us)

A rocky planet with an earth-like atmosphere that weighs in at 1 TM and has 2 moons. Orbits Helios at 1.0 AU but has a period of revolution of 365 Eras days. Contains all known life within the solar system.

Third Planet: Ethra

A rocky planet with a dense atmosphere primarily composed of methane and nitrogen that results in a blue-hued atmosphere, initially deceiving scientists into believing it is Eras-like and possibly habitable until a study of its atmosphere contents was made. Weighs in at 1.1 TM and has two small moons. Orbits Helios at 1.6 AU and has a period of revolution of 694 Eras days.

Moon names: Demuund and Dementiora

Fourth Planet: Ru-Yesham

Another rocky planet with a dense, phosphoric atmosphere lending a white hue. Surface contains frozen lakes and oceans of phosphoric acid. Weighs in at 2.44 TM and has one small moon and one large moon. Orbits Helios at 2.26 AU and has a period of revolution of 2.8 Eras years (1019 days).

Moon names: Dikaai (Large) and Myanak (Small)

*Note: I will leave the rest of the moon names off at this point since they get too numerous for me to name.

Asteroid Belt

Orbits Helios at 4.1 AU and likely contains many valuable minerals that are currently inaccessible due to technology.

Sixth Planet: Othyr

A gas giant with primarily Hydrogen and Helium based atmosphere and weighing in at 14.7 TM. Has 70 moons with 12 major moons. Insignificant rings. Orbits Helios at 5.3 AU and has a revolution period of 12.1 Eras years. Some theories suggest this was a failed secondary star.

Seventh Planet: Freya

Gas giant with primarily hydrogen, helium, and ammonium hydrosulfide atmosphere, with a striped red appearance. Impressive rings and weighs in at 12.5 TM with 58 moons, 8 of which are major. Orbits Helios at 9.45 AU and has a period of revolution of 30 Eras years.

Eighth Planet: Abaddon

Gas giant with primarily hydrogen, helium, and sulfur atmosphere, weighing in at 7.8 TM and has 5 major moons. Insignificant rings. Orbits at 14.67 AU and has a period of revolution of 56.3 Eras years.

Ninth Planet: Rudra

Gas giant with primarily hydrogen, helium and neon atmosphere weighing in at 4.4 TM. 22 known moons, with 4 major moons. Orbits at 20.1 AU and has a revolution period of 102.1 Eras years. Photographs display constant storms that are bright yellow, orange, and red due to Neon's ease of ionization causing a highly conductive atmosphere.

Tenth Planet: Hända

Gas giant with primarily hydrogen, helium, and methane atmosphere and roughly 4.2 TM. 17 known moons, 2 of which are major. Orbits at 32.1 AU and has a revolution period of 181.77 Eras years.

Eleventh Planet(s): Kaas and Lugen

Rocky Roche planet system with little to no atmosphere and primarily silicate composition. Kaas is roughly .27 TM while Lugen is roughly .21 TM, and the system lacks any moons due to odd rotation and orbit properties of the Roche system. Furthest planet from Helios at 36.1 AU and has a revolution period of 246.56 Eras years. Discovered significantly after the rest of the planets due to small sizes and distance from Eras. Axial tilt of both planets is significantly skewed at 92.558 degrees for Kaas and 78.334 degrees for Lugen, suggesting a cataclysmic event caused the formation of the roche system that knocked both planets off their axis.

1. Dropped surface temperature of Helios to ~6200 degrees K from ~6500 degrees K to make temperatures on Eras closer resemble Earth.
2. Planet 8's name changed to Abaddon upon Prydania's request, and Planet 4's name has been changed to Ru-Yesham at my idea.
3. Apollyon has been changed to Othyr as per previous suggestions by a number of people in the discussion thread
4. The name Anakeo has been removed from Planet #9 and given to Planet #5, replacing Dumah.
5. Planet #9 has been renamed Rudra.
6. Eras is now an exact Earth analogue. Now 1 AU away from sun and sun is equivalent to RL's sun.
7. Xentherida couldn't refrain from making a prequel meme from the name Anakeo so it's Hakoa now.
8. Pontus is now Ethra, the Midirean (Midirite? Midirese?) Goddess of the Sky.
9. Demeter & Dionysus are now Kaas and Lugen, Xentheridan representations of Chaos and Tranquility.
10. Maia is now Mot, Yanto seer and bringer of death.
11. Helios is now Jua, an early Rakanist sun god.
12. The moons Loki & Azazel of Ethra have become Demuund and Dementiora.
13. The moons Adriel & Ramiel of Ru-Yesham have become Dikaai and Myanak.
14. MJ Edit cos he's the greetest: Put the spreadsheet link in the OP.
15. Sodium Edit: Madjack is bad at formatting so I cleaned up the OP.
16. Hakoa moved inwards to .68 AU, Mot moved further inwards to .42 AU. Real life here we come!
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Hi, I’m one of the other guys that helped work on this proposal- please be aware that the names of the planets and moons are currently subject to change at the will of either Sodium or my self, should we want to replace them.
Eras' moon seems to have been forgotten, but otherwise it looks good and has my full support. In the proposal we should also seek to specify things such as prohibiting colonization in modern tech, etc.
Based on suggestions from Prydania: I'm moving Abaddon to Planet #8's name, replacing Hyperion, and replacing Planet #4's name with Ru-Yesham, who is the original Unifier in Yeran history/mythology and is thus incredibly important to the Yeran. This would make the planetary names more representative of Erasian culture.
If I may, I’d like to propose two ideas to replace Demeter and Dionysus- both from Andrennian Paganism/Adrianism which although similar to Norse paganism has an entirely different pantheon and many other differences.

1. Jägdar and Valkyra

Jägdar was God of the Hunt, God of Nature, God of Archery, God of Valor, Son of Stårn, Brother of Valkyra, and according to the myths will help in killing Zwåsalln during Ragnarok.

Valkyra was Goddess of War, Goddess of Bravery, Goddess of Swordsmanship, Sister of Jägdar, and will also help in killing Zwåsalln during Ragnarok.

2. Enfäll and Griftenn

Enfäll was God of Peaceful Death, Guide of the Souls, Half-Brother of Griftenn, Son of Hol and Stårn

Griftenn was God of Death, (Essentially the Grim Reaper of Andrennian Paganism), Reaper & Guide of the Souls, Half-Brother of Enfäll, Son of Hol and Alvårdal
"A rocky planet with an earth-like atmosphere that weighs in at 1 TM and has 1 moon. Orbits Helios at 1.15 AU but has a period of revolution of 365 Eras days. Contains all known life within the solar system."

My major issue with this is it either violates Kepler's Third Law (orbital period^2 = semi-major axis^3) or that some of the timings of Eras will be screwed. Is an Eras day instead more hours? Or is the hour more minutes? Is a minute more seconds? If it's all the same, how long is a second?

I personally don't quite understand why Eras' orbit is 1.15 AU and not just a regular 1 AU.

Additionally, with the sun being 1.1x the heat would also screw with Eras's climate as well, lest we alter the atmosphere of Eras to contain less greenhouse gases and such. I don't understand why it shouldn't simply be the IRL sun ported into the Eras universe to ensure that the climates of Eras and such all remain as nominal as possible.
I'll go ahead and make Eras explicitly an Earth analogue then cuz I can't be arsed to figure out a different solution.
Another proposal: Orbital resonance between Eras and Ethra. 19:10. For every 19 Eras orbits, Ethra does 10 orbits. It requires the time of the Ethra orbit to be shifted down from 695 days to 693.975 days.

Ignore the above request, it wouldn't work out because the resonances can't correct and it's unbelievably unlikely that their orbits are *exactly* in a perfect ratio, especially one as low as 10:19
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Another proposal: Hakoa is being shifted between Mot and Eras at 0.68 AU, and the orbit of Mot is being changed to 0.42 AU.
This is the finalized form that has been agreed upon by the conclave.

Congrats on your space.