

The King of Chii' Mara, Stormstar, died last week. Many mourn his death as they begin to exit the week of mourning. The Council argue who will be the next King. The Military begins to split up as the Protectorate protect the capital from capture of these rogue forces.

The Assassin, codenamed, Kontara, had been the one to put a bullet inbetween his eyes. Many had seen it, but few dared to question it. Those who did never saw the next morning either. It was meant to be messy. It was meant to say that the people who guard the King were easily corruptible and that revolution was nigh, as it were in the North.
The Crowned Republic of Highton offers its condolences to the people of Chii’ Mara following the death of King Stormstar and hopes that the transition of power can be peaceful. A change in leadership can be beneficial or detrimental to a nation’s stability and prosperity, and the Crowned Republic hopes that Chii’ Mara can move to assess itself and prosper.
It seems such is not happening. Riots supporting one form of political ideology or another form within each Districal Capital. The Protectorate begins martial law upon any who dare to begin hostile combat within the borders of the Capital, Chii' Mara.

Right now, peaceful isn't going to work.