Apply for Membership HereThe Concord Union:
The Concord Union
The Concord Union believes that a nation is peaceful not only when it either doesn't invade or doesn't mobilize it's military But also, when a nation co-operates and helps other Nations in various fields of advancements.
The Concord Not only pledges to serve the world by spreading peace but also increasing the cooperation efforts between the Nations for a common cause I.e advancement,peace and humanity.
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Nation's Representative to CU:
Nation's location < continent name >
Proposals At Vote
Proposal SEC-01-131218:
Wheras it is self-evident that mutual assistance in the face of aggression is necessary to maintain peace,
Desiring to maintain collective security of all member nations,
The government of South Balanest proposes that the following be added to the Constitution of the Concord Union:
Article III
Section A:
Any threat to the security of a member of the Concord Union is hereby declared to be a threat to the security of all member nations and the Concord Union.
Section B:
The Concord Union shall take any action deemed necessary by a two thirds majority of all member nations or more to deal with any threat to the security of the Concord Union, as specified under Section A.
Section C:
All member nations pledge to provide full assistance to the Concord Union, as deemed necessary under Section B.
with the result of maintaining mutual, collective security in order to maintain peace.
Proposal By: South Balanest
Votes required : half the number of member nations.
Voting Opened: till atleast 2-3 new nations join TCU And present their votes
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