Creating visitation to Stormstar


Since I didn't do well in my last attempt for RP, I'm deciding to start again.

The main idea is people send diplomats to King Stormstar for representation.

  • Just know that your place needs to know about Chii' Mara in some way, such as neighbors or being able to scout out the border.
Couple things...

1. Your last attempt wasn't a failure. It just needed to bake a little longer. If no one is interested in it, you can still write for it and turn it into a story. I did the same thing with my "The Noblewoman's Yacht" story. I made it open, didn't get responses, and I wanted to progress the story so I closed it and continued writing. You might consider doing the same.

2. I think there might be a misconception here regarding Eras's tech level. It's modern with tolerances for a little bit of future foreshadowing (approx 5 years), so things that might be in research and development today on Earth could be in production in Eras.

This means things like satellites, cell towers, airplanes, etc. are all in. You already know this as evidenced by your General Aviation and Security Act. But, I'm really confused by this line in it: "Due to the lacking of technology within our borders to go outside of our boundaries and take areas within nearby Continents, or for tourism and entertainment of the people of Chii' Mara." Are you running a lower tech nation? How did tech not progress compared to Auster Corona and Arrandal?

Maybe you have an explanation that makes it so you don't know about others, but there's really no way in our world that you can have a nation and nobody but neighbors know about you. In our world, if you exist, someone knows about you. Keep that in mind and run with it, and you'll expand the player base that might be able to participate in your thread.

That being said... I'd be interested in participating, but we need to clear up eligibility first.
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