Statement on St Abbaddon
Following careful consideration, I have deployed the North Pacific Army into St Abbaddon in support of Topid. As one of the foremost democracies in NationStates, we have an obligation to stand against the coercive influence of the New Pacific Order on St Abbadon's community. When you have no founder, "Accept the protection of this horde of WA nations" is the proverbial offer that cannot be refused. Topid's departure from St Abbaddon, and the subsequent establishment of the region as a protectorate of the NPO, were not decisions made freely, without coercion, or without undue external influence. These decisions were made under duress, under pressure from a foreign power, and resulted in the forced removal of one of St Abbaddon's longest-standing members and most vociferous defenders.
The North Pacific has an extensive history of engaging militarily in the region of St Abbaddon dating back to 2012, whereby the liberation of St Abbadon was one of the first operations conducted by the newly restored North Pacific Army. This action today is another chapter in our long history of engagement with this region.
At this moment, 17 members of the North Pacific Army are deployed in support of this work. We have been joined by our allies in the IJCC. We have been assured by Topid and The Black Hawks that no other natives will be removed from the region during this ongoing operation. Our support of this ongoing operation is conditional upon these assurances eventuating. It is our hope that the region of St. Abbaddon will return to the stability and prosperity it has enjoyed in the past, and that it may do so, without fear of further external involvement in their homeland. St. Abbaddon is one of the few historically founderless regions left in NationStates. It deserves true, independent internal control, not the “protection” of an NPO straightjacket.

Delegate of The North Pacific