[SC - Failed] Liberate The Coalition Of Fascist Nations

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Liberate The Coalition Of Fascist Nations
Category: Liberation | Nominee: The Coalition Of Fascist Nations
Proposed by: Tinhampton | Onsite Topic

AWARE that The Coalition of Fascist Nations (CoFN) was founded in June 2014 by the same nation that had just led a failed fascist coup in The Republic Nations, and later falsely claimed that the CoFN had promoted international peace;

NOTING that the CoFN has always actively promoted fascism (especially to the youth), a repugnant ideology that has tainted countless nations and regions, whether by choice or by force; the CoFN's founder-led government has also spied upon and violently dealt with its domestic critics;

CONCERNED at widespread regional opposition to the Civil Defense Siren, a pan-feeder initiative to warn those moving into fascist regions - like the CoFN and many of its allies, some of which this august body has Liberated - about the dangers posed by such regions and their cultures; and

CONVINCED that a Liberation, as well as warning all and sundry about The Coalition of Fascist Nations' sheer disregard for peace and self-serving indoctrination, will also enable its future takeover should its founder ever cease to exist:

HEREBY LIBERATES The Coalition of Fascist Nations.
Voting Instructions:
  • Vote For if you want the Delegate to vote For the resolution.
  • Vote Against if you want the Delegate to vote Against the resolution.
  • Vote Abstain if you want the Delegate to abstain from voting on this resolution.
  • Vote Present if you are personally abstaining from this vote.
Detailed opinions with your vote are appreciated and encouraged!
Ministry IFV:
This proposal represents the culmination of a series of ideologically driven offensive liberation attempts to an inevitable triviality. Where once liberations of this nature targeted overtly racist regions that celebrated historic atrocities, and had wide support within the Ministry, this proposal relies heavily on hyperbole in an attempt to equate the mundane with the Machiavellian. Coalition of Fascist Nations is an insignificant region, not actively campaigning, hosting roughly 80 nations, and posing no threat to the wider community. Some may find their political position offensive, and those individuals are well within their rights to support liberation. It is the opinion of the Ministry, however, that an indiscriminate use of this important and powerful tool will ultimately render the tool ineffective.

For these reason, the Ministry of World Assembly Affairs recommends a vote Against this proposal.

This being said the Ministry in no way supports nor tolerates fascism or Nazism. Believing both to be hateful ideologies.
An afterword:
It is understood that some might find the association of the phrase "not particularly hateful" with a fascist region concerning or confusing. I will attempt to clear this up as best as possible for you. The aforementioned phrase was primarily intended to distinguish that the region had little impact on the greater NS community in context of its hate being spread onto other community members. This was a concern raised by multiple WA members and thus was intended to be reflected in the IFV. Furthermore, this Ministry has stood firmly against fascism and its derivatives during its entire existence, most notably during the preemptive liberation of multiple significant fascist regions. However, in understanding that the phrase causes issues in interpretation and appears to advance an idea that the MoWAA does not believe in, it will be removed and edited out of the official IFV dispatch. I, on behalf of the MoWAA, apologize for any confusion or offense this phrase has caused. If you have any comments or concerns, please feel free to DM me or telegram me.
-Kranostav (Tlomz)
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I have not been a fan of these types of proposals at really any point during my WA career, a new 65 nation region with very little R/D significance seems fairly irrelevant for this use.

Against for now, change my mind if you want.
If they're not acting in a manner that is violating game rules or causing other players to feel subject to hatred (racist posts, repugnant displays of offensive symbols) then they are simply RPing the game in one of the variety of ways that are afforded to each individual. There are plenty of national political positions that I find less than savory, but it is not a game about imposing one's ideology over others.

It is important not to trivialize these liberations, just as it is important to take a stand against the most egregious of regions.
For. Fuck fascism. Fuck Nazis.

I have not been a fan of these types of proposals at really any point during my WA career, a new 65 nation region with very little R/D significance seems fairly irrelevant for this use.
Yes, you're not a fan. And you know what? I find your reasoning lacking. If you have a group of people who actively promote an ideology that has actually carried out genocide? Then that group of people deserves to be ostracized. And this is a suitable way to do so using gameplay mechanics.

And your rationale of "I don't like the precedent it sets" is weak as fuck, given that the ONLY offensive liberations that have passed and stuck have been aimed at Nazi and/or fascist regions (if you're pedantic enough to demand a distinction between the two when it comes to the current state of political discourse). If offensive liberations against Nazis and fascists were going to lead to a slippery slope of sorts? That would have happened by now. It has not. These remain specifically targeted at the very worst ideologies out there.

And your other argument that it's unfair to specifically target these people is weak as well. Nazism, fascism, it's not just something people use to larp for fuck's sake. It's an ideology that once held sway over a good chunk of the world at one point, and committed mass acts of genocide.
I understand the horror of fascism is hard for people to grasp when they aren't in the crosshairs of fascist and Nazi ideology themselves, but try to have some sympathy for the people this ideology and its adherents have victimized and continue to target.

Against for now, change my mind if you want.
I'm not trying to change your mind, because it's clear to me that you will ALWAYS make excuses for these people, just like you did for KREICH, due to personal friendships with people in that festering snakepit of racists and not-so-closeted Nazis.

I'm just saying my piece because it needs to be said.

If they're not acting in a manner that is violating game rules or causing other players to feel subject to hatred (racist posts, repugnant displays of offensive symbols) then they are simply RPing the game in one of the variety of ways that are afforded to each individual. There are plenty of national political positions that I find less than savory, but it is not a game about imposing one's ideology over others.
I'm not sure if RPing as a Nazi is worse than being a Nazi or not. If it's just someone who gets kicks out pretending to be a genocidal bigot then that says something very unsavoury about them, I feel. At least with an actual Nazi there's a legitimate belief there. Someone going out of their way to RP a Nazi while not making it widely known that it's just a RP? Well that's pretty much a troll job.

Anyway to your point. If it is a RP? Then consider this the WA's IC reaction. RP works both ways, and some RP IC actions have IC consequences.
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The only official definition of Fascism comes from Benito Mussolini, the founder of fascism, in which he outlines three principles of a fascist philosophy.
1."Everything in the state". The Government is supreme and the country is all-encompasing, and all within it must conform to the ruling body, often a dictator.
2."Nothing outside the state". The country must grow and the implied goal of any fascist nation is to rule the world, and have every human submit to the government.
3."Nothing against the state". Any type of questioning the government is not to be tolerated. If you do not see things our way, you are wrong. If you do not agree with the government, you cannot be allowed to live and taint the minds of the rest of the good citizens.

Facism is evil.

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Unfortunately I’ve found that following either course of action does little to effect the number of fascists in NationStates, and sometimes can even galvanize them. The only way to really solve this issue is to demand from site ownership that fascism is banned from the game.
So let’s get this straight: the government of the North Pacific puts out a statement saying a region with fascism in the name is “not a particularly hateful” region, and the solution is to not even acknowledge the error or apologize for the message it sends across, but instead add a contradictory statement at the end of the original post with no context.
Another statement's been added that addresses that, Funk. And I think it's a good clarifying statement. I think it articulates the point clearly and clears up any possibility of misunderstandings, as well as adequately apologizes for misunderstandings that occurred.
So let’s get this straight: the government of the North Pacific puts out a statement saying a region with fascism in the name is “not a particularly hateful” region, and the solution is to not even acknowledge the error or apologize for the message it sends across, but instead add a contradictory statement at the end of the original post with no context.
The first line was the preface which I added immediately. The statement took longer to write along with the dispatch edit so that is why it was added about 15ish minutes later. Just to clear up your confusion.
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