NationStates Day 13 November


Just like a queef in the wind, so is life
TNP Nation
The purpose of NationStates Day is to extend fellowship throughout NationStates Communities and this is celebrated on the 13th of November.

What SillyString and I have proposed to do (with input from other staff) is that we will send out a cruise of different floats/ships/yachts etc from The North Pacific to visit the shores of our embassy regions. We can drop off supplies, TNP rum, and leave good cheer. We should also:

  1. Wish them a happy nationstates day of course!
  2. Send postcards/greetings home to our RMB from the regions we visit
So what we will need:
  1. Volunteers organised into groups to cover different regions at certain times to ensure the full day is covered.
  2. Each of you to create a TNP (or fun in general) themed boat/float/yacht/battleship etc, for the cruise.
  3. Some postcard examples for people to use - please do come up with your own creative ones.
Any other ideas that you have on how we can make this great.