Friagara Pact



The Friagara Pact is a coalition of nations that have opened their borders to free trade and financial, and military support from each other. The Friagara Pact is administered by representatives from member states at the Friagara Pact Council Building, in Guchausten, Fraigara, Tribekistan.​

Current Member States/Representative
Tribekistan: Edmond Mahoun

Nihundland: Soren Kreiger

Observer States

All member states agree to the mutual defense and free trade
This thread is for the Friagara Pact and it’s conversations
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Passed Resolutions

- Friagara International will be responsible for much of the shipping between Ninhundland, Tribekistan, and any other nation that wishes to join.

- Friagara Gothis will be headquartered in Frankthorf, Ninhundland with access to a dock in Frösthafen, Ninhundland.

- The Armed Forces of Ninhundland will have access to Port Gandervold, Area 1, Tribekistan and will plant military personal in Eigelberg Militarybase.

- Eigelberg Militarybase will be sovereign Ninhundish territory and the first overseas territory under the jurisdiction of the Ninhundish Government and Armed Forces.

- Ninhundland and Tribekistan are to be military and economic allies.


This thread will be constantly updated as new content will be added and as we figure out the best format! - If you have any questions contact me @Ninhundland or on discord Folkmann #5587.