TNP University: NBS Executive Staff Series

El Fiji Grande

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El Fiji Grande (#3446)
One of my key goals is to help promote each of the executive staff ministries. This tutorial series will be broken down by Ministry. It will start basic: how to join, what to do once you've joined, how to behave, what kinds of things there are to (typically) work on, and so forth. Subsequent videos will dive more in depth, and cover interregional alliances and relationships (FA), how to assemble TNL and broadcast with NBS (Comms), how to use basic photo editing software (Culture, RP, Comms), how to plan for events (Culture), how to find raiding targets (MoD/NPA), how to write your own WA proposal (WA), etc. As you can see, there's so much potential for what NBS can become.

The scripts should be informative and sound professional. Though if you want, you can throw in a joke or two.

We'll start with the basic introductory video for each, and go from there.
Ministry of Communications: Intro
Ministry of WA Affairs: Intro
Ministry of Culture: Intro
Ministry of Foreign Affairs: Intro
Ministry of Home Affairs: Intro

Ministry of Defense will be covered by the NPA series.
Additionally, here's a link to the tutorial videos already completed, so you can see how they read. And here's the link to the NBS tutorial videos, so you can see what they become.
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