Constitutional Amendment to Relocate Forums, Mk III

Sil Dorsett

The Belt Collector
TNP Nation
Since Mark II can't take effect because of the timing provisions, here's an updated version:

Forum Relocation Amendment:
1. Article 8 of the Constitution of The North Pacific will be amended to read as follows:
Article 8. The Regional Forum

1. The Regional Forum will be the XenForo forum located at, formerly .
2. Enforcement of forum Terms Of Service and moderation policies will be the responsibility of forum administration.
2. The Regional Assembly declares that an actual emergency shall exist when this amendment is enacted, due to the need for forum users to reset their passwords before accessing their accounts. This emergency shall continue for thirty days. During the emergency, the Regional Assembly recommends that no resident be penalized for failing to take actions for which access to the forum is required. This recommendation is binding on all government officials.
3. No part of this bill shall take effect unless all parts take effect.
The grammar nazi in me sees one typo that could be changed, but the typo is just incorrect capitalization and doesn't impact the bill at all so I won't bother. Let's get this to vote as soon as possible.
Hmm... after SillyString pointed out on Discord that the election can continue on this so-called "temporary" forum, this might not be necessary. The other bill may still take effect. I'll leave this open, but there's a chance we won't need it. Let's see what happens.
I just realized something...
from the mk II bill:
2. This amendment will only be enacted if and when posting is disabled on by forum administration in preparation for migration to xenForo, no earlier than the conclusion of the General Election beginning on September 1, and no later than October 25th.
The old URL actually redirects to this new forum, not the old tapatalk forum. I dunno how, but it does. So, that clause will never trigger because... why would we disable posting here? And, since that clause will never trigger, that bill will never come into effect, meaning we do need this one.

I move for a vote.

What's the worst that'll happen. We amend the constitution twice to say the same thing?
The 5 day formal debate period has now begun. A reminder that the author has the ability to shorten formal debate which would limit the starting time of the vote to two days from now.
Per Clause 4 of the Legislative Proposal Procedure of the Standing Procedures, I motion to shorten debate.

We've been through this twice already. Let's get it over with.
My only concern with rushing to a vote is that if people encounter issues with resetting passwords and accessing their accounts, we may have trouble reaching quorum. We may need to campaign for this a bit and get citizens back on the forum. People are out of the habit of checking these things.
I brought the quorum issue up when I was talking to Wonderess on Discord. I know there's risk involved in doing it this fast. So yeah, we have work to do. On the other hand, this'll also be a good benchmark to see the progression back to normal activity levels. If we don't make quorum this time around, we retry and hopefully get more votes. I think Wonderess said we need 22 votes cast.
We could just keep pinging citizens/residents in TNPGen. We've only pinged them all once.
As a reminder to the Speaker, per Section 2, Clause 5 of the Rules of the Regional Assembly:
5. If at the conclusion of a vote quorum has not been achieved, then the Speaker may extend the duration of the vote to the maximum permitted by law.
I think we will do okay. Getting out the vote has always been popular here and overall the number of issues with getting account access has been lower than I expected.